满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Do you know the girl __is talking to ou...

—Do you know the girl __is talking to our English teacher?

—Yes. She's my sister.

A.who    B. whom C. which D. Whose


A 【解析】略

 —When will the second class begin?

—_two minutes.

A.For  B. At  C. In  D. After



Most of the work was done by my sister and

A. me B. I C. my D. Mine




以“My Best School Trip ”为题写一篇60字左右的短文,介绍你的参观情况。





    A man went to the house of a rich man. He saw a bag of apples by the roadside. He thought, “I don’t want to eat those apples, because the rich man will give me a lot of good food.” Then he took the apples and threw (丢掉) them away into the dust(垃圾堆).

    He came to a river. The water in the river was very deep(深) and he couldn’t go across the river. He waited for some time and then said, “I can’t go to the rich man’s house today because I can’t cross the river.” So he began to go home.

    He had nothing to eat that day. He was very hungry when he came to the apples. He was glad to take them out of the dust.

    Don’t throw good things away, you may be glad to have them sometimes.


    A man was on his way to a rich   1.   house. He    2.  a bag of good apples by the roadside. But he didn’t think he needed them. So he threw them away. Then he went to a river. It was very deep and he couldn’t go across it. He    3.    for a long time and finally he couldn’t go to the rich man’s house. That day he didn’t have     4.   to   5.  . When he saw the    6.   he threw away, he was very   7.   . This story tell us not to     8.  good things    9.  . They may be useful   10.   .

11. ___________ 12.____________ 13._____________ 14. ____________ 15.___________

16.__________17.___________18.____________ 19.____________ 20.___________





A: 1._____________________________________, Sue?

B: Yes, please.

A: 2.______________________________________, tea or orange juice?

B: Tea, please.

A: 3._________________________________ ?

B: No, thanks. 4._______________________________________________.

A: OK, 5.___________________________________________.

B: Thanks.

    A. Here you are B. Would you like a drink   C. Shall I put some sugar in it

    D. Which would you like E. I like Chinese tea with nothing in it        F. Thank you



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