满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

综合知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 根据所掌握的文化或背景知识,选择正确...



1.你上午到办公室找罗老师,老师说:Sit down, please!(请坐),你应回答:_______

   A. Hello, Miss Luo     B. Thank you, Miss Luo.       C. How are you?   D. Good morning!


   A.UK                B.NBA                      C. SARS         D. UFO

3.在购买小号衣服时,看衣服标签上是否有________ 字母。

   A.S                 B. M                         C .L             D. X L

4.The colors of the Five—Circled rings of Olympic Game(奥林匹克五环旗) are_____?

   A. blue, black, green red and yellow       B white, yellow, green, blue, black.

   C. green, red, pink, black, blue.         D. brown, green, black, red, white.

5. The girl’s name is Alice Green. Her ______is Alice. Her ______name is Green.

A. first, family        B. family, first                C. last, first          D. last, family


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 【解析】 略

Where are they?

6ec8aac122bd4f6eThis is Tommy’s bedroom(卧室). You can see a small bed  55  the room. There’s a toy(玩具)on the bed. You can see a light(灯)on the drawer.   56   the photo? It’s on the drawer,too. You can see  57  on the chair. Where are the plants? They are  58   . The alarm clock, the pen and a cup  59   on the table.   60  you see a math book? Yes, it’s on the floor.  

1. A. on           B. under           C. in              D. of

2.A. Where’s      B. Where are        C. Where’re        D. What’s

3.A. a book       B. a cap            C. a light           D. a bed

4.A. on the bed    B. under the table     C. in the drawer     D. on the table

5.A. are          B. is                C. am             D. do

6.A. Are          B. Can              C. Is              D Need



 Great collection

   Ed Smith has a great sports collection. He   51   8 tennis rackets, 9 basketballs, and 7 baseballs. He has 3 soccer balls and 5 volleyballs. But he    52   play sports—he only watches them    53    TV.

   Sonia Hall has a sports collection, too. She has 5 baseballs,8 basketballs,4 tennis rackets, and three soccer balls. She   54  sports every day.

1. A. likes        B. have        C. like          D. has

2. A. isn’t        B. don’t        C. doesn’t       D. aren’t

3. A. in          B. on          C. at            D. under

4.A. plays       B. likes         C. play          D. like




    A.EMS            B. ABC             C.RMB            D.MTV




1.—How are you, Jack? —I am OK.

      A. Good            B. Nice            C. Fine           D. great

2. This is Mr. Huang. He is an English teacher.

   A. He’s             B. It’s             C. His            D. It is

3.My grandmother and grandfather like vegetables very much.

   A. parents           B. grandparent      C. grandparents     D. parent

4. My father eats eggs for breakfast. He likes them very much.

   A. has              B. is              C. likes             D. meets

5.I have no balls, but Jim has.

   A. doesn’t have       B. am not          C. am not have       D. don’t have




某英文杂志正在举办以“Protect our environment”为主题的征文大赛。假如你是阳光学校(Sun School)初三5班的李敏,请你写一篇短文参赛,文中请先介绍自己(如姓名、班级等),然后谈谈作为中学生,我们可以为保护环境做点什么,并呼吁大家参与到环境保护的行动中来。

提示词语:name,  save,  energy,  recycle,  wastes,  duty,  join





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