满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

We should plant more trees on sides of t...

We should plant more trees on       sides of the street.

                  A. either                     B. both                          C. all                                   D. each


B 【解析】略

     your help, we can finish the task in time.

                  A. Thanks to              B. Thanks for               C. Because                       D. Thank



— It’s one o’clock now. I must go.

                  — It’s raining outside. Don’t leave       it stops.

                  A. when                      B. since                         C. while                             D. until



— Must they clean and tidy the classroom now?

                  — No, they      . It       after school in the afternoon.

                  A. mustn’t; must clean                                   B. needn’t; must clean

                  C. mustn’t; need be cleaned                         D. don’t have to; can be cleaned





I                 Daming and asked him to get up early.

2. 如果你想保持身体健康,就不要放弃锻炼。

Don’t                 exercise if you want to stay fit.


What                can we do to improve our environment?

4. 每年都有数以百万计的人观看莎士比亚的戏剧。

Shakespeare’s plays are seen by                people every year.


If you are interested in this club, please                this application form.



Is it a tree? Is it a bear? If you’re looking at a tree in the shape of a bear, it’s a topiary(林木雕塑). A topiary is a tree or a bush(灌木) that is trained into a shape. Growing a topiary garden takes both time and skills. 6ec8aac122bd4f6e

A topiary gardener should make a drawing first. The drawing shows the final shape that the gardener likes. The gardener then chooses a bush for the topiary. It may be one that just planted or one that is already in place.

In June of the plant’s first year, the gardener looks for new leaves. When the leaves grow, it’s time to shape(给……造型) the bottom of the bush. It needs about five years. The top is not trimmed during this time. In the fifth year, the bush grows tall enough for shaping. Then the gardener begins to shape the whole bush.

Once a topiary has been started, it needs care all year. In the summer it must be cut many times to keep its shape. This cutting also helps the bush grow. In the winter the bushes don’t grow. The gardeners have to brush snow of the plants, or snow may hurt some parts of them.

Topiary gardening is very old art. The Romans did it in the first Century. In the sixteenth century, people in Europe like topiaries too. By the late 1600s, topiaries were also grown in America. Today it’s popular in many parts of the world.

1. Put the following in the right order according to the passage.

a. The gardener chooses a bush for the topiary.

b. The whole bush grows tall enough for shaping.

c. The gardener begins to shape the bottom of the bush.

d. The gardener draws the shape of a topiary.

A. d→a→b→c            B. b→c→a→d         C. a→d→c→b      D. d→a→c→b

2.In which part of the world did the topiary gardening begin first?

A. In Rome.      B. In Europe.         C. In America.         D. In Africa.



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