满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

––Has your brother ever been to the Sand...

––Has your brother ever been to the Sand Lake?

        ––Yes, he has _______ the Sand Lake many times.

A. been to      B. gone to      C. go to            D. went


A 【解析】略


提示:in order to 为了  as a result 结果strike(struck: 过去式) 侵袭;打击

suffer … from … 因……经受(痛苦)






Long long ago, there were many trees on the mountains. In order to build               





Doctor: Good morning . What’s your trouble?

Woman: I don’t feel very well.

D: 1._____________________________?

W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher.

D: Open your mouth and say “Ah”.

W: Aahh

D: 2.______________________________?                 

W: Ever since last night.

D: Did your sleep well?

W: No, I was very tired last night.

D: Oh, I see. 3._______________________.                            

W: Can you tell me how I got a cold?

D: Maybe you overworked yourself.

W: I think so. I have too much work to do every day.

Do I have to stay at home?

D: Yes. You’d better stay at home for two or three days.

W: 4.                                                                  ?

D: No. I don’t think it is serious. But you really need

 a good rest and take this medicine.

W: 5.                                                                                     ?

D: Three times a day.

W: OK. Thank you.                     




1.The grandchild nods his head to show his ________(同意) to his grandpa.

2.I think __________(回收) can not only protect the environment but also save money.

3.Humans have come to realize the ___________ (重要)of protecting animals.

4.A large population can cause lots of __________ (困难)for the whole nation.

5.There are several chemical factories _______ (倾倒)waste water into the streams.

6.Some parents in less_________(发展) areas prefer boy or girls, don’t they?



Trees are useful to man in three very important ways. The first important way is that they provide man with food, wood and other products. Trees provide not only man with food, but also many animals with food. Without trees many animals could not live on the earth. It’s not easy for man to live on the earth, either.

The second important way is that trees give us shade. On a hot summer day, people are eager(渴望)to have a rest under the shade of a tree after they have walked a long way. You can imagine how important the shade of a tree is to man and to animals.

The third important way is that trees help to prevent drought and foods. However, in many parts of the world, man has not realized the third important way. He has cut trees down in large numbers. In the end he finds that he has lost the best friends he had.


The Importance of Trees



The First Important Way:




   The Second Important Way:


To give man shade


The Third Important Way:




Without trees it’s difficult for man and many animals to live on the earth.


       On a hot summer, people 3.________________


are eager to have a rest under the shade.

    Man has not realized this. Because of 4.____________


He finds that he has lost the best friends he had




Ten years ago, Lynn Smith went far away to university. She went to a school that was 3000 miles from her home, (1) so she couldn’t afford(负担) to come home to visit her parents. She had a part-time job and earned enough money to pay for her books and courses. After she graduated, she got a job in South America teaching English. In Brazil, she married Roberto Silva and they had three children. At first, Lynn stayed at home to care for the babies, but later she went back to work. Roberto and Lynn finally could achieve(实现) her dream.

   When the Silva family arrived at the airport, they were surprised that no one was there to meet them. (2) Finally Lynn saw a man who looked a little like her father. She called his name and he came over to her. Lynn had changed so much that he almost didn’t know her. Mr Smith wondered if he had the right person. Lynn thought the same thing. (3) In ten years, her father didn’t look the way he used to.

1.将(1)处句子改写为同义句. (每空一词)    

So she didn’t ______ enough ______ to come home to see his parents.

2.将(2) 处的句子改为并列句。(每空一词)  

    Finally Lynn saw a man, _____ _____looked a little like her father.





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