满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Lucy, do you like ______? —Yes. Most o...

         —Lucy, do you like ______?

     —Yes. Most of my clothes are ______.

A. an orange, an orange                    B. orange, orange

C. oranges, oranges                         D. orange, an orange


B 【解析】略

—What’s ______ most useful invention in the 20th century?

            —______ computer, I think.

A. the, A                             B. a, A                        C. the, The                 D. /, The




任务型阅读 (10分)

    Moscow is the capital of Russian. The city has a long history and was founded more than 850 years ago. Moscow became the center of a unified (统一的) Russian country in the 15th century. ①One hundred years later it had grown into the capital of a strong kingdom.

For most of eight centuries, the Kremlin, at the very heart of Moscow, has been the seat of power (权力宝座) for the emperors and most recent presidents. For Western people, the round roofs of ST. Basil’s Cathedral have become the symbol of Russia. Around this center, there are a lot of high buildings. However, some older classical houses and impressive structures, such as the Bolshoi Theater are well kept here.

21世纪,俄罗斯正在迅速发展。Although the Russians are paying more attention to the protection of most of the old structures, they are also creating new wonders in the form of buildings, shopping malls, and churches. ③Many of them are designed in both the ancient and modern Russian styles, especially in central Moscow.


1. When was the city of Moscow founded according to the passage?


2. What is the symbol of Russia in Western people’s eyes?


3. 请将①处的英语翻译成汉语。_________________________________________________

4. 请将②处的汉语翻译成英语。_________________________________________________

5. 用“Russians”作主语,改写③处的句子,句意不变。






1.于上周六早晨抵达银川,旅途愉快;  2.姨妈全家人身体都好,他们都对我非常亲切;

3.这几天表兄们带我参观了博物馆、影视城 (the Western Film City) 等; 

4.假如明天天气好,我们打算去沙湖......;  5.谈谈你对银川的印象。(至少写出3点)


Dear Dad and Mom,






Uncle and Aunt send their best wishes.


                                                      Wang Jie




1.How are you _______ _________ _________(相处) your American classmates?

2.It’s impolite to ________ _________ ________(插队) when we take the bus.

3. A: __________________________________________________________?

   B: People will have robots in their homes in the future. (根据答语写出问句)

4. A: ___________________________________________________________?

   B: She has already studied for more than three hours. (根据答语写出问句)

5.They asked me, “Are you writing to Tom?”(改为间接引语)

   They asked me ________ _________ ________ _________ to Tom.




be able to     hear of      keep…down     fall in love     pick up

1. Have you ever __________ __________ Donald Duck?

2. She’s doing her homework. Would you mind _________ your voice_________?

3. We often see the boy __________ __________ the litter in the school yard.

4.He _________ __________ __________ drive a car when he was 18.

5.Last summer Lisa went to Guilin. She __________ __________ __________ with it.



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