满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

One very cold morning, my, father and I ...

One very cold morning, my, father and I were working on the farm. I asked him how long I must stay in the ____31____.

  “About an hour.”he answered.

  “I wish I could go hone now—my __32__ aches.”

  “I am sorry, but can’t you stay till lunch time?”said my father.

  “But my headache is getting __33__.”

  “Well,” said he,“you may go home. I don’t want you to work if you are sick. Go straight home __34__ tell your mother to give you some rhubarb(大黄,一种苦药).It will __35__ you a lot.”

  I went back home. However, I told my mother that my head was better, hoping not to __36__ the terrible medicine. But it was too __37__.She understood my __38__ as well as my father. So she prepared the rhubarb.

  I had to swallow(吞) all of the rhubarb. Dear me! How bitter it was! I would rather __39__ all day in the field. But it cured(治愈) my laziness, and I learned that it is important to be __40__.

Friends, keep it, though there is another and a better reason.

1.A. field                 B. hospital               C. factory

2.A. tooth                B. head                  C. stomach

3.A. better                B. worse                 C. less

4. A. but                 B. or                     C. and

5.A. hurt                 B. worry                 C. help

6.A. take                 B. buy                   C. make

7. A. early                B. late                    C. easy

8.A. joke                 B. duty                   C. problem

9.A. work                B. play                    C. study

10. A. kind                 B. honest                  C, helpful


1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.B 【解析】主旨大意:本文讲述了我为了逃避劳动,假装头痛,父母的治疗让我明白了诚实的重要性。 1.根据前句所述,我和父亲在农场劳动推断本句我询问还要在田间劳动多长时间,故选A项。 2.跳读下文所述“But my headache is getting…”推断此时我头痛,故选B项。 3.理解句意,推断我头痛得更厉害了,故选B项。 4.分析句子的逻辑关系,回家告诉妈妈给他吃大黄,这是顺连关系,故用and。 5.理解句意,吃大黄能帮助治疗头痛,故选C项。 6.吃药take the medicine,固定搭配。 7.跳读下文可知,母亲已经准备了药,此时,想不吃药已经迟了,故选B项。 8.理解句意,我的母亲和父亲一样知道我的病情及如何治疗,故选C项。 9.根据上文所述可知,在田间父子俩是在劳动的,故用动词。 10.联系上下文所述,推断我的头痛是为了逃避劳动,父母的治疗,让我明白了诚实的重要性,故选B项。

Gina loves singers _______ write their own music.

  A. which                B. who                C. has worked



Jim _________ in Zhuzhou since he finished his college.

  A. works                B. is working           C. has worked



He knows _________ about computer than me.

  A. much                B. more                C. most



Mary didn’t go to John’s birthday party because she ________.

  A. wasn’t invited         B. didn’t invite          C. isn’t invited



Tony wants _______a job as a language teacher in China.

  A. to find               B. finding              C. find



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