满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When I was ten, my mother worked all day...

When I was ten, my mother worked all day so I had to take care of my younger brother. At that time my little brother was about four years old and he missed mum all the time.

One day, after I had given him his dinner, he started crying for mum. He was so young and really needed mum. So I dressed him, put on his shoes, carried him on my back and walked out. Soon he fell asleep. About half an hour later, I found that he had lost a shoe while sleeping. I took him off my back and put him down. I knew we needed to find that shoe, for our mother couldn’t afford new shoes. We had to go back to find it, so I told my brother to wait right there. A man heard it and stopped me just before I walked off. He asked me, “You are leaving your brother here to find the shoe? What would you do if he is not here when you return?” I did not know how to answer that question. He continued, “Its OK if you cant find the shoe, but it is not OK to lose your brother.” Then he sent us to mum’s workplace by taxi.

My whole life I have depended on the kindness of many strangers, I feel regretful that I cannot find them and say thank you. I do not even remember what the man’s face looked like, but he taught me a lesson—people are more important than things.

1. Why did the younger brother cry for his mother?

A. Because he was hungry.               B. Because he missed his mother. 

C. Because he wanted to sleep.          D. Because he wanted to play outside.

2.What does the underlined word “regretful” in the last paragraph mean?

A. Sorry.           B. Happy.           C. Excited.             D. Angry.

3.What did the man mean by saying “It’s OK if you can’t find the shoe, but it is not OK to lose your brother.”?

A. People are more important than things.

B. Things are more important than people.

C. Both the shoe and your brother are important.

D. The shoe is more important than your brother.

4.According to the passage, which word can best describe the man?

A. Rude.            B. Funny.           C. Silly.               D. Kind.


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.D 【解析】【主旨大意】本文主要讲述了作者年幼的时候照看弟弟的故事。有次他带着弟弟去找妈妈,把弟弟的一只鞋丢了,准备放下弟弟去找鞋子的时候,一个陌生人帮助了他,告诉他人比鞋更重要。 1.细节理解题。根据句子“He was so young and really needed mum.”可知因为弟弟想妈妈,所以,他哭着找妈妈。故选B。 2.词义猜测题。由regretful之后的句子“I cannot find them and say thank you.”“我不能找到他们,对他们表示谢意”可推出regretful和sorry同义,意为“遗憾的;抱歉的”。故选A。 3.推理判断题。男人的话的意思是“丢了鞋子可以,但是丢了弟弟就不行了。”言外之意就是人要比东西更重要。故选A。 4.主旨大意题。rude意为“粗鲁的”,funny意为“有趣的”,silly意为“蠢笨的”,kind意为“友善的”。这个男子热心帮助作者,所以是善良的。故选D。

6ec8aac122bd4f6eAnimals grow up in different ways. They have lots of lessons to learn.

  Some animals are born helpless but their mothers protect them. A newborn kangaroo is the size of a bee. She stays in her mother’s safe pouch. She doesn’t open her eyes for at least five months. A newborn monkey cannot walk. He is carried by his mother. 

Other baby animals can walk soon after they’re born. They learn to run with their mother when danger is near. A baby zebra(斑马)can run an hour after she is born.

Some baby animals are born in a place that is safe. Other baby animals are born in the open. Baby wolves are born in large holes. A baby elephant is born on open, grassy land. Other elephants make a circle(圈)to protect her.  

6ec8aac122bd4f6eAnimals that drink their mothers’ milk are called mammals. A mother bear’s milk is fatty and rich. Baby bears need lots of fat to keep warm in winter. They have milk for six months. Baby zebras drink milk for six months or more! As baby animals grow they need solid(固体的)food. Baby lions eat what their mother can catch.

1.Which baby animals don’t open their eyes for at least five months?

A. Lions.           B. Zebras.          C. Kangaroos.           D. Elephants.

2.What can’t a baby zebra do an hour after she is born?

A. Drink milk.                          B. Walk by herself.

C. Run with her mother.                 D. Make a circle to protect herself.    3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? 

A. Baby wolves are born in the open.

B. Newborn lions only eat solid food.

C. Newborn monkeys can walk but can’t jump.

D. Baby bears need lots of fat to keep warm in winter.



It’s 10:00 pm. A man leaves a restaurant, gets into his car and drives away. 200 metres further he’s stopped by a police officer.

Officer: Good evening, sir. We’re testing drivers for drunk driving. Would you please blow(吹)into this machine?

Man:   I’m sorry, I can’t do that. If I blow into that machine, I will get out of air.

Officer: Please come along to the office and we can give you a blood test.

Man:   I can’t do that. If you give me a blood test, I will bleed(流血)to death.

Officer: Then you’ll have to get out and walk five metres along this white line.

Man:   I can’t do that, either.

Officer: Why not?

Man:   Because I’m dead drunk! I can’t open the door.

1.The man is stopped ______ metres away from the restaurant.

    A. 5                B. 10               C. 200              D. 205

2.The conversation probably happens in a (an) ______.

    A. office           B. street               C. hospital     D. restaurant

3.The man wouldn’t have the test for drunk driving because ______.

A. he is badly ill                      B. he will get out of air

C. he is dead drunk                     D. he will bleed to death




6ec8aac122bd4f6eIMAGINE a life without arms or legs! You can’t hold anyone in your   26  . You can’t walk anywhere with your feet. How would you last a day like that? Would you   27   at yourself in the mirror like Nick Vujicic, the 29-year-old Australian?

Nick was born without limbs(四肢), so life was not   28   for him. At school many students played jokes on him   29   he looked different from everyone else. He was refused to be   30   friends, so he always felt   31  . However, he faced that bravely. He   32   to type and write with two toes(脚趾)at the age of six, and he could   33   surf and play golf. In college, he achieved great success and was among the   34   students in the studies. And he decided on   35   to do later in his life—to encourage others to work hard for their dreams.

Now Nick is one of the most popular   36   in the world. He travels to many countries and gives speeches about his story   37   difficulties. “Living life fully is about looking at what you   38  , not what you don’t have.” he said. His   39   encourages millions of people.

 “I tell people to keep on getting up when they   40   and to always love themselves,” he said. “If I can encourage just one person, then my job in this life is done.”

1.A. arms           B. ears                 C. eyes             D. teeth

2.A. laugh          B. cry              C. smile            D. shout

3.A. old                B. easy             C. modern           D. difficult

4.A. because            B. if               C. until            D. although

5.A. his                B. my               C. their            D. our

6. A. happy         B. relaxed          C. lonely           D. surprised

7.A. failed             B. forgot       C. helped           D. learned

8.A. even           B. ever             C. never            D. hardly

9.A. tall               B. lazy             C. sleepy               D. excellent

10.A. how           B. who              C. what             D. where

11.A. doctors           B. speakers         C. scientists   D. managers

12.A. at                B. for              C. into             D. against

13.A. make          B. have             C. lose             D. want

14.A. story         B. sadness          C. friend           D. family

15.A. fall          B. play             C. listen           D. exercise



— We plan to go out for a picnic next weekend. Would you like to come along?

   — ______. It’s my favourite.

A. Enjoy yourself                   B. It doesn’t matter

C. You’re welcome                   D. That would be very nice



Food safety is important. Rules ______ to stop people from food pollution.

    A. must make        B. must be made C. can’t make       D. can’t be made



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