满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It was the last day of final examination...

It was the last day of final examinations at a large college. On the steps of one building, a group of engineering students were discussing the exam that was ahout to begin. On their faces was confidence. This was their last exam before they graduated(毕业)and found jobs.

Some talked of jobs they already had,others of jobs they would get. With four years of college study,they felt ready and able to conquer(征服)the world.

The coming exam,they knew,would be easy. The professor(教授)had said they could bring any books or notes they wanted,but they couldn’t talk to each other during the test.

They walked into the classroom. The professor passed out the papers. The students’ smiles became wide as they saw that there were only five essay-type questions.

Three hours passed and the exam came to an end. Then the professor began to collect the papers. The students no longer looked confident. They seemed worried. No one spoke as the professor faced the class with the papers in her hand.

She looked at all the worried faces in front of her, and then asked,“How many students completed all five questions?”

Not a hand was put up.

‘‘How many of you answered four?” Still no hands.

“Three?Two?”The students moved restlessly in their seats.

“One,then. Certainly somebody finished one.”But the class stayed silent. The professor put down the papers.“That is just what I expected,”she said.

“I just wanted to make sure you realize that even though you have studied engineering for four years, there are still many things about the subject you don’t know. Instead of testing you on what you learned in this class, I’ve given you questions that skilled engineers face in the world outside the classroom. You can’t expect to be an expert(专家)on the day you graduate. You have to learn as you go.”

Then,smiling, she added,“You will all pass this course, but remember that your education has just begun.’’

1.What does the underlined word“restlessly”mean in the passage?

A.confidentIy    B.proudly       C.excitedly       D.nervously

2.Why did the professor design the final exam in such a way?

A.To make the students realize that they still had much to learn after graduation.

B.To find out whether the students could put what they had learned into practice.

C.To show that she had much more knowledge than her students in engineering.

D.To examine whether the students learned what they had been taught in her class.

3.What can be the best title of the passage?

A.A Playful Joke             B.A Lucky Chance

C.A Strange Professor         D.A Special Exam


1.D 2.A 3.D 【解析】【主旨大意】本文讲述了即将毕业的大学生参加最后一次毕业考试,开考之前,人人信心十足,但考完试后,没有考试前的自信和高兴,反而变得更加忧虑了,通过教授的询问,教授鼓励大家要继续学习,不要满足于现状。 1.通过上文学生考完试的情景推断。 2.根据“I just wanted to make sure you realize that even though you have studied engineering for four years, there are still many things about the subject you don’t know.”可以看出。 3.通过对整篇文章的理解,D项最符合。

If you are cycling in foreign countries, you will need to know what these traffic signs and signals mean.



A sign like this one means that there is a bike lane(车道). If there is such a sign,you are required to use the bike lane.

If there is not such a sign, you should ride with traffic as far to the right side of the road as possible.



This signal means you can cross the street along with pedestrians(行人). It has a green picture of a oerson walking instead of using the word“walk”.



This signal is the “don’t walk”sign. It is a picture of a red hand,

meaning you should stop. You should wait to cross the street until the green picture of the person walking is showing.



Car drivers and bikers must come to a complete stop at“STOP” signs.



A“YIELD”sign means to slow down and be ready to stop.

If there are pedestrians or vehicles in or near the crossroad, you must stop. If there is no traffic in or near the crossroad and it is safe, you may go through.



This signal means you are coming to a zebra crossing. Car drivers

and bikers must stop to allow people in the zebra crossing to cross the street.



When people are working on the roads, parts of the road are often

dug up or rough(不平整的). Be careful when yon are cycling. Rough roads could make you fall off your bike.

If you must move into the road to go around a work area,you should stop and look carefully to be sure there is no traffic coming.



A detour is a way of getting around a roadway that is closed. Roads are usually closed because of road work or dangerous conditions. If you must take a detour, be careful about the roads you aren’t used to.


1.What are cyclists required to do when they see the sign?


A.To ride against traffic.

B.To ride on the left side of the road.

C.To ride on the bike lane.

D.To ride on the right side of the road

2.Which of the following signs has the same meaning as the sign?




3.What should cyclists do when they see the sign?


A.They should be careful when they cycle on the rough road.

B.They should take the rough road and fall off their bikes.

C.They should move into the road to go around a work area.

D.They should take another route instead of the closed roadway.



When July comes, children know they’ll have their examinations and the school year will __36__ soon.

Boys and girls will have nearly a two-month holiday, and they’ll leave school __37__train or by car to __38__ their parents.

The summer holidays are the __39__ time of the year for most children. The weather is usually good, so children can spend most of their time __40__ outside. If one lives in the countryside, he can go and play in the woods or in the fields. If he __41__ in a big town, he can usually go to the park to play.

The best place for children to spend their summer holidays is the __42__. Some children are lucky enough to live near the sea. __43__ for those who do not live there, if they have the luck to stay in one of the big seaside towns for a week or two, they’ll __44__ it all the following school year.

Now, __45__ makes children like the seaside so much? I think they are the sand, the sea and the sun. The feelings of the sand under their feet, salt water on their skin, and the warm sun on

1.A. arrive       B. start       C. begin       D. end

2.A. on         B. by         C. in          D. at

3. A. love        B. see        C. watch       D. return

4.A. best        B. better      C. worst        D. worse

5.A. missing     B. working     C. playing     D. studying

6. A. works      B. walks      C. lives        D. arrives

7. A. village      B. seaside     C. city        D. park

8. A . But        B. unless      C. Or         D. And

9.A. hear from   B. speak to    C. agree with   D. talk about

10.A . that        B. which      C. who        D. what



Which sign means “Save Water”?




The Taiwan spotted deer, Fan Xing and Dian Dian, __________ to the Chinese mainland on April 16, 2011.

A.have sent                                B.were sending             

C.were sent                                D.had sent



I hate people _________don’t help others when they are in trouble.

   A. who               B. which        C. whose             D. where



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