满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I found a story-book on the desk, it isn...

I found a story-book on the desk, it isn’t mine, it is ___,I think.

   A. her                 B. she             C. yours              D. mine


 C 【解析】需要用名词性物主代词,根据句子的意思,故选C。













Last Monday we held an activity________________________________________________







He _____________________________________________.


__________________________________ by the end of 2010.


    We ________________________________________________.


    He’d rather ______________________________________________.


    Could you tell me ____________________________________?


Are you ________________________________________________?




1.一I phoned you yesterday morning, but you were not in.

一We __________ (fish)by the river.

2.___________ (make)sure that there are no mistakes,he will check the paper carefully.

3.Is the washing machine I have used for a long time worth __________(fix)?

4.There ___________(not be) much snow here in the past three years.

5.I don’t know if we ___________(sbow) around the History Museum tomorrow afternoon.




1.Three __________(four)of the students in our class have handed in their reports.

2.You needn’t be frightened because these insects are completely ____________(harm).

3.If you add some lemonade and sugar,the dish will be much ___________(taste).

4.How ____________(active)they are donating money to help the sick student!

5.Some of the film stars had been ____________(sing)before they entered the film industry.


6.The charity event is ___________(结束). We all think it is a great success.

7.I dislike this channel because ___________(少数)programmes on it are interesting.

8.Ice turns into water when the temperature is ___________(超过)0℃.

9.一Which of these shirts do you like best?

一I’ll take ____________(没有). They are both expensive and out of fashion.

10.The book he is fond of ____________(描述)how birds live.




The way in which we communicate with others can be greatly improved by building a better vocabulary. In our personal life,we communicate and share experiences with others. However, how well we do it depends on(取决于)our ability to express ourselves through spoken and written language. Luckily,increasing(增加)our word power can make us own the skills we need to communicate better with others and can also help us get better results in our study.

When you see a new word,whether through reading or hearing someone say the word,just be ready to take out your dictionary and look it up-learn about the word and anything that relates(与…相关)to it. If you understand the word, you’ll hopefully remember it well.

Meanwhile, you’d better write down words to learn. You can go through the dictionary,magazine and newspaper or even take down the unknown words you hear. Try to review them every day-look at the words and speak them out loudly. Copy the words over and over again,along with their meanings,and you will surprisingly remember themn in no time.

You can also do word searches,crossword puzzles or other word games. Playing these games,you are more likely to come across new words, and when you are caught in new words, study them. The more words you have in your brain’s word bank,the better you will become at these word games. You will be remembering,learning and having fun,too.

Finally, reading is also believed to be an excellent way to learn new words and build up your vocabulary. Read things you are interested in,because in this way,you are less likely to become bored. But dont skip over(忽略) those words you don’t know. Instead, you should remember and use them in your own daily conversations. Use them more, and you’ll surely have a better chance of remembering them.

Topic:Increasing Your Vocabulary


of building up vocabulary

●Improve your ability to express yourselves and communicate better with others.

●Be 2.___________to your study.

Suggestions on remembering new words


1.Remember every new word you meet with by3.__________it.

●Learn about the word and anything that relates to it by looking it up in your dictionary.

2.Make a 4.__________of new words to learn.

●Review the words every day by looking at and speaking them out loudly.

●Copy the words and their meanings over and over again.

3.Do word games.

●Play these games,come across new words and study them with fun.

4.Learn words through reading.

●Read things you5.__________.

●Do not skip over new words,but remember and use them more.



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