满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— Have you seen______ pen? I left one he...

— Have you seen______ pen? I left one here this morning.

— Is it___________ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.

A. the; the             B. a; a               C. the; a        D. a; the


B 【解析】考查冠词用法。两个空缺处均是泛指,且都是以辅音因素开头的单词,故答案选B。

Harry Potter is so interesting a book that lots of teenagers like to read _

A. it               B. this             C. that             D. one



— Could you please pass me the book?

A. Yes, I could                 B. No, I couldn't

C. Sure. Here you are           D. No, that's no problem








Anita (UK)

A green scarf

1. need one

2. favorite color

Jacob (USA)

A hand-made card

1. mean a lot

2. easy to make

Lin Chao (China)

1. …

2. …


注意: 1. 内容必须包括表格中的信息;

       2. 开头已经为你写好,你只需接着写;

       3. 词数:70个左右。开头和结尾部分的内容不计入总词汇。


Dear editor,

I am writing to tell you about how children from different countries choose gifts for their mothers on Mother’s Day. _______________________________________________________________________________


Looking forward to your reply.


Lin Chao




1. My mother is a teacher and she has t__________ English in this school for 20 years.

2.The n__________ side of the building gets less sun than the south.

3.If the sky is c__________, there’s no rain or cloud and you can see very far.

4. Bella can speak two l__________, French and Chinese.

5.S__________ can be used for making food and drinks sweet.

6.Susan was born in a v__________ but she works in the city now.

7. Jack is the tallest a__________ the three students.

8.Please don’t make a n__________ because the baby is sleeping now.

9.It is reported that two men were killed in a car a__________ early this morning.

10. My doctor advised me to take the medicine t__________ a day, in the morning and evening.




(he,  the,  grow,  high,  until,  one,  fail,  loud,  speech,  when)

Sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to climb Mount Everest. On May 29, 1953 he climbed and measured 1.__________ highest mountain then known to man—29,000 feet straight up. He was spoken 2.__________ of for his efforts when he came back. He even made advertisements for big companies. However, 3.__________ we read his book, High Adventure, we don't understand that Hillary had to grow into this success.

You see, in 1952 he tried to climb Mount Everest, but4.__________. A few weeks later a group in England asked him to give a 5.__________ to its members. Hillary was given a warm welcome6.__________ walking on stage. People there thought him as a hero, but Edmund Hillary saw 7.__________ as a failure. He moved away from the microphone and walked to the side of the stage.

He lifted one hand and pointed at a picture of the mountain. He said in a8.__________voice, “Mount Everest, you beat me the 9.__________ time, but I’ll beat you the next time because you’ve 10.__________all you are going to grow, but I'm still growing!”



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