满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—________ you________ the Beatles' story...

—________ you________ the Beatles' story?

— Yes. And their songs are popular.

A. Did; hear          B. Do; listen to    C. Have; heard of   D. Have; listened to


C 【解析】句意为“—你听过甲壳虫乐队的故事吗?—是的。他们的歌曲很受欢迎。”hear of意为“听说……”,故答案选C。

Your donation_________ and the money will be used to help the students from poor families.

A. is greatly appreciating              B. appreciates

C. has appreciated                      D. is greatly appreciated



Each time tourists travel to Beijing, they_______ the Forbidden City.

A. will be shown up         B. will be shown around

C. will show around         D. will show to



31. Tom__________ his father, because they both are cheerful and easygoing.

A. looks like           B. takes after      C. doesn't take after      D. isn't like



— I wonder _ _.

— I'm afraid we'll be late.

A. how we can be on time                B. what we are going to do

C. why we get to school late            D. if we will arrive at the meeting on time



— How is your English study?

Not bad. But I_______ learning English grammar.

A. am interested in         B. am good at

C. have a little trouble     D. have no trouble



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