满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mum prepares breakfast for us every morn...

Mum prepares breakfast for us every morning, so she __________ early.

A. used to get up                            B. is used to get up     

C. used to getting up                         D. is used to getting up


D 【解析】略

We are disappointed why _______ few students could make _________ a wise decision.

     A. so, so            B. so, such            C. such, so            D. such, such




1. I don’t feel well. Can I have a _____________ (medicine) examination today?

2. Do you like to wear the overcoats like those ___________ (postman)?

3. As usual, mum didn’t go out until she _________ (hang) out our clothes.

4. Try to find the beauty of the world around us instead of _____________ (ugly).

5.Two English teachers of Luoshe Middle School will go to England for ____________ (far) study this summer holiday.




1. There is a small wooden house ___________ (在…之中) tall buildings.

2. The chance is so ____________ (极好的) that you should catch it.

3. What a pity! You are the __________ (四十九)to fail in the driving test.

4. Before making the final decision, you’d better do more ____________ (研究).

5. We have ten minutes’ __________ (休息) between two classes.




说明:1. 老师办公室在教学楼二楼;2. 校园四周都是树。

参考词汇:示意图 diagram


This is a diagram of our school                                         





The Greenest School in Britain

The pupils and teachers at Fairfield School think it's worth looking after the environment! This is what they've been doing:

Growing vegetables

Fairfield School pupils started their own vegetable garden. Both children and teachers plant and water the seeds ( 种子), then I hey pick the vegetables, which are used in school meals. Now they can all enjoy healthy food at lunchtime. "School dinners are tastier than ever before! " says one pupil.


The Fairfield pupils don't just bring their books to school—they bring their rubbish too! There are recycling bins (回收箱 )in the playground for cans, plastic bottles, batteries and paper. The teachers give a prize every month to the pupil who's tried the hardest to recycle.

Planting trees

"This used to be one of the least beautiful areas of the city with no green areas, says the head teacher Lynne Johnson. "Now every child has planted their own tree, which he or she looks after during the week. They've made the view from the classroom more beautiful!

Finding cleaner ways to get around

Everyone walks or cycles to Fairfield School! "When the roads are busy, it’s faster to ride bikes than to go by car anyway,” says one pupil. Even the teachers don't use their cars. "We won't encourage our pupils to look after the environment if we don't do it ourselves! " says one teacher.

1.Every month the pupil who has done the best to recycle will_ _from the


2. Neither the __________ nor the __________ in Fairfield school go to school by car.

3.The pupils have made the view from the classroom more beautiful by __________.

4.From the passage we know that the teachers in this school set a good __________ to the pupils in protecting the environment.

5. They use the vegetables which are __________ and picked by themselves in school meals.



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