满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

–Nancy is an honest girl. She never tell...

–Nancy is an honest girl. She never tells a lie, ______?

  --No, she doesn’t. We can trust her all the time.

   A. doesn’t she      B. isn’t she      C. does she        D. is she


C 【解析】略

 –Have you heard of the big fire last night?

  --Yes. The firemen struggled against it for about 35 minutes and _______ the fire at last.

   A. gave up         B. gave out      C. put out         D. put up



 The students all looked ______ at me when I told them that they would have one more day off.

A. sad            B. sadly            C. happy          D. happily



 –Is the modern racing car outside ______, Lucia?

  --Of course not. Nobody but Jim can afford such an expensive car. It must belong to ______.

   A. your, his       B. yours, he        C. your, him        D. yours, him



 –How can I improve my study in the last thirty days?

  --________ listening to the teacher carefully in class. This is the most efficient way!

   A. By           B. On           C. Past         D. Across



To do some voluntary work for the 2nd Youth Olympic Games is ______ excellent chance for us to serve our hometown—Nanjing.

   A. a            B. an             C. the             D. 不填



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