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How much do you know about Top Combine (...

How much do you know about Top Combine (至上励合 TC), the popular boy band? After two months of training in South Korea, the five boys are back with their latest album Grandness Equal to Heaven (《齐天大盛》). They showed up in Beijing to promote their new record. Hundreds of teenagers screamed in excitement when they saw their idols.

“I was blown away (被……征服) by this album. I knew TC would improve after going to South Korea, but I couldn't have imagined it would be so nice,” said a fan after she listened to the album.

Each of the boys has put something of themselves into the new album, from Zhang Yuan's soft voice to Ma Xueyang's talents composing and writing lyrics. Their hit song Grandness Equal to Heaven is a creative mix of moving rhythms and traditional musical instruments, including flute (笛子). A teenage fan says that Top Combine's new album helps him get through all his tests.

Although they tried to be China's No 1 Motivational (励志的) boy band, Top Combine's debut in October, 2008 was not a big success. The band's first EP Arrival was not immediately popular. People accused the band of being unoriginal. They said TC was just like a South Korean boy band, because their fashion sense and music style were similar to those bands.

But they didn't give up. Now with their new album, their hard work looks like it's paying off.


1.What does the passage talk about?

A. A latest album.             B. An EP.     

C. A girls’ rock band.           D. A popular boy band.

2. Which is true about the band?

A. They have just come back from China.     

B. They are Korean band.

C. They tried to be China's No 1 Motivational boy band.        

D. They made a big success in 2008.

3.Which is their first EP?

A. Top Combine.    B. Grandness Equal to Heaven. 

C. Arrival.         D. Motivational Boy.

4.What’s the meaning of “pay off” in this passage?

A.  付款      B. 回报     C. 成功     D. 离开 

5.What can you find out in the passage?

A. The five members of this team come from China.

B. Some teenagers were moved by the band’s new album.

C. This band has been to South Korean for training for about two years.

D. People accepted this band in 2008 because TC was just like a South Korean boy band.


1.D 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B 【解析】略

Mr Knight was the manager of a hotel. One weekend all of the hotels in the city were 36_____ because there was an important meeting. On Friday night, three men came into the hotel and asked for rooms. Mr Knight said that there were 37_____ rooms ready for use because of the meeting. The three men were very 38____ because they had no place to stay.

   Mr Knight wanted to help them. He remembered that Room 418, a very small room, was empty. He asked the men 39____ they would share a room. The three men said they would.

   Mr Knight told that the room would be thirty dollars: ten dollars 40_____ each one. Each man gave him ten dollars, and then they went up to the room.

   Mr Knight soon began to feel 41_____. “Thirty dollars is a lot to ask as a price for that small room.” He thought. He said to his assistant, “Here’s five dollars. Give it to the men in Room 418. I asked them too 42______money for their room.”

The assistant tool the money. 43____ he was on the way to Room 418, he started to think: “How can three men divide five dollars? I’ll keep two dollars. The men will be happy to get anything back. I’ll take a little money and Mr Knight will 44_____ know.” So the assistant returned one dollar to each man.

Each man had paid ten dollars. After the assistant returned one dollar to each one, each man had 45_____ paid only nine dollars. There were three men $9×3=$27. The assistant kept $2. $27+$2=$29. Where is the missing dollar?

1.A. quiet   B. empty       C. full          D. noisy

2.A. no     B. some        C. many        D. three

3.A. happy  B. unhappy      C. pleased      D. hungry

4.A. if      B. what          C. that        D. how

5.A. for     B. to            C. with        D. on

6.A. sad     B. afraid         C. boring      D. sorry

7.A. more    B. little          C. much       D. many

8.A. After    B. Before        C. As soon as    D. While

9.A. just     B. also          C. never         D. perhaps

10.A. actually  B. already       C. exactly       D. extremely



– Do you know________?

       -- Only one year old.

       A. when does he start golfing          B. when did he star golfing

       C. when he starts golfing              D. when he started golfing



A little girl thought she was not as beautiful as other girls, and nobody liked her. So she was always unhappy and didn’t like to talk to others. However, one day, her mother gave her a beautiful hair clip(发夹). When she wore it, she looked much more beautiful than before. She decided to wear it to school.

       On her way to school she found that everyone who saw her smiled at her. Most of her schoolmates said “Hello” to her, but this never happened before. She thought that the beautiful hair clip had brought her them all. She was so happy about all of the wonderful things. Although she didn’t tell her classmates about her beautiful hair clip, they all wanted to know what had happened to her.

       When she went back home after school, her mother asked her: “Did you know you dropped your hair clip? I found it by the door this morning.”

       She understood that she hadn’t worn the hair clip to school at all.

1.Which of the following sentence is true?

A. The girl is not as beautiful as other girls.

B.Nobody liked the girl.

C.The girl’s classmates thought she was more beautiful than before with the hair clip.

D. The girl wanted to be more beautiful, so she decided to wear the hair clip.

2.Why was the girl so happy?

A. She found that everyone who saw her smiled at her.

B. She heard most of her schoolmates said “Hello” to her.

C. She thought what she experienced today never happened before.

D. Both A, B, and C

3. From this passage we know that ____________________

A. the girl was really ugly without the hair clip     B. the girl was as beautiful as her classmates.

C. the girl was not self-confident enough at first.    D. the girl was happy all the time.

4.Her classmates wanted to know what had happened to the girl because__________________

A. she didn’t tell her classmates about her beautiful hair clip.

B. she was always unhappy but that day she was so happy.

C. she looked more beautiful wearing the hair clip.

D. she wanted to talk to others.

5.We can learn from this passage that_______________________

A. A friend is easier lost than found.     B. Make your enemy your friend.

C. A friend in need is a friend indeed.     D. The most important is how we think about ourselves.



Every scientist has a childhood dream. A scientist in China once had a(n)   36  . He wished to grow a new type of rice which could produce a lot. This person is Yuan Longping   37   was born in 1930. He graduated from the Southwest Agricultural(农业) University in 1953. Yuan Longping came up with an idea for a hybrid rice in the 1960s. Since then, he has devoted himself to the research and development of new varieties(品种).

In 1973, together with other people, he   38   in the development of hybrid rice. This made China be a worldwide leader in rice production. For this, he was called Father of Hybrid Rice. In 1980, the technology for hybrid rice was   39   to the United States.   40   Professor Yuan’s hard work, China now produces enough rice to   41   her people every year.

In his spare time, he loves playing   42   violin and listening to music. Every night, he reads   43   half an hour before he goes to sleep. He likes swimming, too.

It is said that Professor Yuan is one of the   44   people in China. And he cares about   45 

but his research.

Now Professor Yuan is working on developing super hybrid rice. He goes to the fields twice a day.

1.A.dream             B. idea              C. thought           D. meaning

2.A.where             B. whom              C. which                                          D. who

3.A.success           B. succeeded         C. successfully      D. successful

4.A.given             B. grown             C. showed            D. introduced

5.A.Because of        B. Thanks for        C. Instead of        D. According to

6.A. offer            B. feed              C. send              D. provide

7.A.an                B./                  C. a                 D. the

8.A.on                B. in                C. for               D. to

9.A.poorest           B. richest           C. cleverest         D. most careful

10.A.everything B .anything C. nothing  D. something



--Can you tell us ___________ your parents do at home?.

        ---I often do the dishes and wash the clothes.

A. what do you often help      B. if you often help            

C. what you often help          D. how do you often help



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