满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Welcome Aboard (乘坐) your Piccadilly Flig...

Welcome Aboard (乘坐) your Piccadilly Flight to Heathrow

The Piccadilly line to Heathrow (伦敦西斯罗机场) is not only the fast way to travel but also the cheapest. So the next time you’re flying to Heathrow, make sure you fly Piccadilly line.

Your Piccadilly flight features (特点):

l  Departures (发车) from 36 stops on the Piccadilly line, or from over 200 stations only one change way

l  Service every 5 minutes to and from Heathrow throughout the day

l  Journeys from central London taking less than 50 minutes

l  Only £3.70 for a single adult fare (费用)

l  See tables below for journey times                                                                                           

Fares to and from London

Adult single £3.70

Child single £1.50

If you are traveling as a group, then you are allowed to use the family travel card, which means each adult can travel for £3.40, and each child for £0.80.

Traveling to Heathrow


Monday - Saturday









Last train

First train

Last train

Earls Court







Piccadilly Circus







Traveling from Heathrow


Monday - Saturday





First train

Last train

First train

Last train

Earls Court







Piccadilly Circus







1.At what time does the first train leave Earls Court on Sunday?

A. 07:15            B. 05:55            C. 05:13                D. 05:57

2.If your father wants to take the train, how much should he pay?

A. £1.50            B. £3.40            C. £3.70                D. £5.20

3. If you miss a train, how long will it take to wait for another?

A. 39 minutes       B. 49 minutes       C. 50 minutes       D. only 5 minutes

4.The last train to Piccadilly Circus on Wednesday leaves at ______.

A. 00:32            B. 00:43            C. 23:49                D. 23:30

5.If you travel with your mum and dad as a child, what is your best choice?

A. All pay full fare.                   B. Use the family travel card.

C. Each pay for his or her own.                             D. Look for free tickets.


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.B 【解析】 略


6ec8aac122bd4f6eA group of people asked this question to a group 4-to-8-year-old children. “What does love mean?” The answers were surprising. The children would answer like they did below.

“When my grandmother hurt her knees (膝盖), she couldn’t bent (弯腰) over and paint her toenails (脚指甲) any more. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands hurt too. That’s love.”

                                                Rebecca–age 8

“Love is when someone hurts you. And you get so mad but you don’t shout at them because you know it would hurt her feelings.”

                                             Samantha–age 6

“Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired.”

                                             Terri–age 4

“I let my big sister pick on (捉弄) me because my mum says she only picks on me because she loves me. So I pick on my baby sister because I love her.”

                                             Bethany–age 4

“I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new clothes.”

                                             Lauren–age 4

“Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.”

                                             Elaine–age 5

“My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don’t see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.”

                                             Clear–age 5

“You really shouldn’t say ‘I love you’ unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.”

                                             Jessica–age 8

1. The passage mainly tells us about ______.

A. what “life” means to children    B. what “family” means to children

C. what “friends” means to children     D. what “love” means to children

2.Who told us the love between mum and dad?

A. Clear.           B. Elaine.          C. Rebecca.         D. Lauren.

3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Rebecca’s grandmother ever couldn’t bend over.

B. Bethany is willing to be picked on by any other person.

C. If Samantha becomes angry, she will not shout at others.

D. Lauren prefers to wear her sister’s old clothes.

4.What does Jessica mean about love?

A. Too much love is no love.            B. You should say love more often.    

C. You mean what you think.         D. Say love more often if you have it.

5.What is love according to Terri?

A. Love is the care between husband and wife.      

B. Love is a rest when you are tired.

C. Love is what cheers you up when you are tired.  

D. Love is a kiss from parents.



A teacher stood in front of his history class of twenty students just before handing out the final exam. His students sat quietly and waited for him to speak.

“It’s been a pleasure teaching you this term,” he said. “You’ve all worked very hard, so I have a pleasant surprise for you. Everyone who chooses not to take the final exam will get a ‘B’ for the course.”

Most of the students jumped out of their seats. They thanked the teacher happily, and walked out of the classroom. Only a few students stayed. The teacher looked at them. “This is your last chance,” he said. “Does anyone else want to leave?” All the students there stayed in their seats and took out their pencils.

The teacher smiled. “Congratulations (祝贺),” he said. “I’m glad to see you believe in yourselves. You all get A’s.”

1.This story most probably took place       .

A. at the beginning of the term         B. in the middle of the term

C. at the end of the term               D. at the beginning of the school year

2. Most of the students got Grade ______.

A. ‘A’           B. ‘B’           C. ‘C’           D. ‘F’

3.Why did some students stay in their seats?

A. Because they wanted to take the exam.

B. Because the teacher told them to stay in their class.

C. Because they were afraid to leave.

D. Because they didn’t have anything to do.

4. The teacher gave the students who stayed in the classroom A’s because ______.

A. the teacher liked them

B. they were cleverer than the other students

C. they believed in themselves

D. they studied hard

5. The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 refers to “______”.

A. students staying in their seats          B. students leaving the classroom

C. their seats                      D. all the students



 Jack   41   in a small town in England. He always stayed in England   42   his holidays, but last year he thought, “I’ve never been to   43   countries. All my friends go to Spain,   44    they like it very much, so this year I’m going there, too.” So he got on a   45   to Spain and   46   at the airport of the capital, Madrid, and stayed in a hotel for a few days. On the first morning he went   47   for a walk. In England people drive on the left, but in Spain they drive on the right. Jack forgot about this, and   48   he was walking on a busy street, a bicycle knocked him down.

Jack   49   on the ground for a few minutes and then he sat up and said, “Where am I?”

Just then an old man selling maps went past him. When he heard Jack’s words, he said to him   50  , “Maps of the city, sir?”

1. A. flew          B. lived            C. went         D. dropped

2.A. for            B. off              C. with             D. into

3.A. all                B. both         C. other            D. any

4. A. and               B. but          C. though          D. however

5. A. bus           B. plane            C. train            D. bike

6. A. reached       B. left         C. arrived          D. stayed

7. A. down          B. up           C. away             D. out

8. A. before            B. while            C. since            D. after

9. A. lay               B. stood            C. fell         D. jumped

10. A. once again       B. on time      C. at times     D. at once



—Happy birthday to you, Mary!

 — ______.

A. Thanks a lot                     B. The same to you 

C. You’re welcome                   D. It’s kind of you



—Can you guess ______ the new schoolbag yesterday?

—Sorry, I’ve no idea.

A. how much did he pay for          B. how much he spent

C. how much he paid for             D. how much did he spend



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