满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

_____ T-shirt do you like better, the re...

_____ T-shirt do you like better, the red one or the blue one?

I prefer the red one

A) How much     B) How many      C) Whose     D) Which


D 【解析】考查点:选择疑问句的用法。 解题思路:此处or意为“或者”,是一个选择疑问句,句意为“—这件红衬衫和这件蓝衬衫,你更喜欢哪一件?—我更喜欢那件红色的。”故答案选D;

Your English teacher has never lost his temper, _____ he?

A) has     B) hasn’t     C) did     D) didn’t



You had better _____ because you have to drive back home.

A) not drinking     B) not drink     C) don’t drink     D) not to drink



As we all know, it’s not polite to keep others _____ for a long time.

A) wait     B) waited     C) to wait     D) waiting



An official _____ by some reporters on food problems in Shanghai yesterday.

A) is interviewing     B) is interviewed      C) was interviewing     D) was interviewed



Scientist Without Laboratories

When you hear the word “scitentist”, what do you think of? Many people think scientist are people in clean white coats who work in labs. And some scientists do work in labs. But there are   26   scientist who work in woods and jungles. These scientists are called “animal behavior (行为) scientists”, and they study animals as they live in nature.

Why don’t these scientists catch animals and study them in zoos? The   27   is in the word “behavior”. Animals behavior scientists want to learn   28   animal behave in their wild homes. When animals live in cages (笼子) or in zoos, they do not act the same as they do when they are   29  . They may fight   30   each other, or they may not eat, or they may not raise (抚养) their babies as they usually would. To see real animal behavior, scitentists must go where the animals   31  .

So animal behavior scientists go into the jungles, the woods or the desert. There , their most important   32   are their eyes and ears. They watch and listen to the animals very   33  . They write down everything that happened in notebook.   34 

they live near the animals, the scientists are careful not to frighten them. If the scientists are luncky, the animals will   35   no attention to them. Then the scientists can see how the animals really live.

The behavior scientists hope what they’ve learned about animal behavoir can provide clues (提供线索) to help people learn to live together more happily.

1.A. another     B. other     C. others      D. the other

2.A. answer     B. question   C. problem    D. text

3.A. when       B. where     C. how       D. why

4. A. happy      B. free       C. sad        D. angry

5. A. of         B.among     C. for         D. with

6.A. live        B. run        C. play       D. eat

7. A. machines    B. tools       C. thoughts   D. ways

8.A. truly        B. carefully    C. woderfully D. nicely

9.A. But         B. Unless      C. Though   D. As if

10.A. pay         B. spend       C. take      D. cost



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