满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Can you come to my party on Wednesday? ...

—Can you come to my party on Wednesday?

—Sorry, I can't. I___ finish my homework.

A. may                 B. would           C. have to


C 【解析】考查情态动词的用法。根据句意“我必须完成我的作业”,所以用 have to。

The high-speed trains are much                   than the common ones.

A. fast                     B. faster            C. fastest



Linda has two Chinese friends._ often talk in Chinese.

A. Their                    B. Them              C. They



There isn't any ______in the fridge. We need to go shopping.

A. oranges                  B. milk              C. eggs



It was an exciting moment for Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo, a retired married couple from Harbin, China. It was also a great moment for China because it was the country’s first gold medal in the pairs figure(花样)skating competition at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic Games.

   Everyone was very quiet when Shen and Zhao were skating onto the ice. They were expecting something wonderful to happen. As soon as the music started, Shen and Zhao skated around the field quickly with beautiful style; every move was perfect. When the music stopped, all the people cheered. In the end Shen and Zhao won the Olympic gold medal.

   In China, winter sports are not as popular as they are in America and Northern European countries. So China sent only 90 athletes to Vancouver to take in a few, carefully chosen sports. Such a good decision also led to Wang Meng and Zhao Yang winning gold medals in the little known, but exciting sports of short track (轨道) speed skating.

   China did not win a lot of medals at these Winter Games. Most of the events are still very new to China and need to be developed. But Chinese athletes learn very quickly. For example, China’s women’s curling team(冰壶队) only began in 2003, but they were No. 1 at the 2009 World Women’s Curling Championship.

   This means that with hard work and a bit of luck, China’s winter stars could soon shine on the world stage.

1. Shen Xue won the gold medal in the ________event at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics.

A. pairs of figure skating              B. short track speed skating 

C. women’s curling                      D. long track speed skating

2. The people were _____when Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo started skating at the games.

A. noisy            B. quiet                C. cheering     D. excited

3.The underlined(划线)word “couple” means _____in Chinese.

A. 对手                 B. 朋友                 C. 夫妻         D. 同事

4.China’s women’s curling team won’t be eight years old until______.

A. 2003                 B. 2009             C. 2010         D. 2011

5. What made China’s winter athletes get such a success? 

A. Luck.                                B.  A chance.

C. Hard work and a little luck.         D. The country’s support.




Have you ever been to Taiwan, China’s biggest island? Do you want to pay a visit there? We’ll show you the best of Taiwan island.

 A four-day tour.


Only  ¥5,000


Round – trip plane tickets between Beijing and Taiwan. Bus service around Taiwan. Great tour guide service.


▲ Sun Moon Lake

   A beautiful lake. A small island. On one side of the island, the lake looks like the sun, and on the other side it looks like the moon. That is why people call it the Sun Moon Lake.

▲Ali Mountain

  The nearest mountain around the Sun Moon Lake. A nice experience to have a party with Gaoshan people. A wonderful place to see a very beautiful sunrise.

▲People Lake

  A great place for swimming, fishing, boating and eating delicious fruit and fresh fish.

▲Gao Xiong

  A great place to spend a full day shopping.

Book (预定) now

Office hours

 Monday — Friday: 9:00 am — 7:00 pm

Saturday:         9:00 am — 4:00 pm

Tel: 6459-9561

Book by phone now for next month.

1.The ad wants to ___________.

   A. invite more people to take the tour         B. tell you something about Taiwan

   C. describe how beautiful Taiwan is          D. show you the best of Taiwan

2. If you go on a trip to Taiwan on September 5th, you will probably be back on _________.

A. September 7th                           B. September 8th     

C. September 10th                          D. September 11th

3. __________ is a good place for tourists to have a good time with Gaoshan people.

   A. Sun Moon Lake                          B. Ali Mountain

   C. Peng Lake                               D. Gao Xiong

4. You will visit ________ tourist spots if you take the tour.

A. 3            B. 4                    C.5         D. 6

5. If you want to take the tour to Taiwan, you can book it by phone at___________.

A. 4:00 pm on Sunday               B. 7:00am on Monday 

C. 4:00pm on Wednesday            D. 7:00 am on Saturday



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