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阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 Recently, more and mo...


Recently, more and more people pay attention to eating healthily. Some food additives(添加剂) are used to make different kinds of foods. Some of them can make the food more delicious and some of them can make it colorful. But lots of chemicals are used to produce what we eat every day.

Sudan red is a kind of chemical that factories used it to dye cloth, make the shoes brighter. But some people produced salted duck eggs with it . However, it isn’t a kind of food additive. The food made from Sudan red makes it easier to cause cancer. Melamine(三聚氰胺) is another kind of chemical that are banned(禁止). It’s white crystal(晶体), which was discovered by a German chemist called Sustus Von Liebig in 1834. Melamine can be used to make paper, medicine and woods, ect. But nobody can imagine that some people used it as a material of milk powder(粉末). Because of melamine, it’s reported that 4 babies died and more than 50 thousand babies are affected since 2008. Sanlu, a famous milk powder factory was closed. Whats worse, milk powder with melamine appeared in 2011 again. Problems of food safety, for example, poisonous rice, lean meat powder(瘦肉精) and plasticizers(塑化剂) are becoming more and more serious.

Fortunately, lots of laws have been made to make the solution(解决方法) better. We think we will eat more healthily in the future.

1.Can the food additives make the food colorful and more delicious?

2.What is Sudan red?

3. When was melamine discovered?




1.Yes, they can. 2.It’s a kind of chemical (that factories use it to dye cloth, make the shoes brighter). 3.In 1834. 4.更糟糕的是, 2011年含有三聚氰胺的奶粉再次出现。 5.①We should make the people know about the harm of using the additives too much. ②We should make some laws to stop the producers using melamine/plasticizers…. ③Punish the producers. ④The producers must be fined for using melamine /plasticizers…. ⑤Put the producers into the prison./Send the users to prison. 【解析】略



what, pull, another, with, some, found, still, decide, success, teacher

A professor(教授) told his students to go into the city slums(贫民窟) to study the life of 200 boys. He asked them to write reports about each boy’s 1ife and future. One of the students wrote, “They don’t have   1.    hope.”

Twenty-five years later, 2.   professor read about the earlier study. He told his students to find out   3.    had happened to the boys. They tried very hard and   4.    that 176 of the boys had become successful as doctors, teachers and scientists.

The professor was very surprised and   5.   to study it further.Luckily, all of them were living near the place and he was able to ask each one, “What made you successful?” Each one answered, “It was a   6.   .”

The teacher was   7.   living there, so the professor found her and asked the old woman what she had done to   8.    those boys out of the slums, and change them into   9.   people.

The teacher's eyes began to shine and said   10.    a sweet smile, “It's really very easy. I love those boys.”




1.We have a history lesson on         (星期五).

2.Mr. Chen told us a          (滑稽可笑的)story yesterday.

3. —I think quiz shows are wonderful. I can learn a lot from them.

—I         (同意)with you.

4. —What about the piece of music?

—It         (听起来)sweet.

5.I haven’t finished my homework________(仍然).

6. The students talked about a moving movie                 ( 刚才).

7.Everyone knows the Olympic rings                  (代表)the five parts of the world.

8. Sometimes the police wear plain clothes to                   (执行)special tasks.

9.There is                  (无疑地)that the Great Wall is one of the greatest wonders in the world.

10.It’s such a big table that it                  (占据)half of the room.




Where do our favorite foods come from? The truth may surprise you. Did you know curry isn’t Indian? Did you know Americans weren’t the first to eat hamburgers? Or did you know pizza wasn’t created in Italy?

First, let’s talk about curry.     1.     But in reality(事实), wealthy English people were cooking with curry spices (香料) hundreds of years before British ships traveled to India.

   2.     Cooks of wealthy English families created curry dishes, and later these dishes became popular in other parts of England.

   3.    The Persians were eating round, flat bread with cheese in the 500s-nearly one thousand years before pizza became popular in Naples, Italy!

Finally let’s look at the truth behind hamburgers. Many people think hamburgers are an American food.    4.    A German named Otto Kuasw made the first hamburger in 1891. Four years later, German sailors introduced hamburgers to Americans.

Where foods come from isn’t nearly as important as how they taste—delicious!   5.   


A. However according to some stories, hamburgers came from Hamburg, Germany. 

B. So, go and get some of your favorite and enjoy it.

C. Many people think the English found out about curry from people in India in the 1660s.

D. As for pizzas, this dish was probably first made in Persia(波斯).

E. In fact, the word “curry” can be found in the English language as far back as 1377.




Zhang Li lies in bed sadly. The 24-year-old young man lost his right leg because of a blood disease. The doctor said that his 10 years of smoking had caused the disease. “I began to smoke when I was in Junior 3. It made me feel like a man and I thought it looked cool. Now I know I was really wrong.” said Zhang.

It is a mistake many teenagers make. It is said that about 40 million of the country’s young people between 13 and 18 have tried smoking. Nearly 68 percent of teenager smokers smoked their first one before the age of 13. Those who live in big cities started even earlier. Many teenagers see people smoking in the movies. But in real life, stars like Jackie Chan think smoking is a bad thing. In fact, smoking is one of the top killers in China. Each year one million people die from smoking-related(与吸烟有关的)diseases. Smoking causes illnesses like lung cancer and heart disease.

Doctors say that the younger a person starts smoking, the worse it will be. If a person starts smoking as a teenager, he or she may live twenty-two years less than non-smokers.

1.What kind of disease did smoking cause for Zhang Li?

   A. Lung cancer.          B. Blood disease.           C. Heart disease.

2.From the passage, we know Zhang Li started to smoke when he was      years old.

   A. 13                    B. 14                       C. 18

3. The city’s young people          .

   A. knew that smoking was a bad thing

   B. tried smoking when they were in Junior 3

   C. started smoking earlier than those in the country

4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

   A. Zhang Li had a disease and lost his left leg.

   B. Smoking may cause many kinds of diseases.

   C. Smoking may make you have a shorter life.

5. What does the underlined word “non-smokers ” mean in English?

   A. People who like smoking.

   B. People who smoke.

    C. People who don’t smoke.



假如上周末你和班上的同学到方山玩得很快乐。请以My happy weekend 为题,根据下面的提示写一篇短文。

一. 要点提示






二. 要求






Get together, ride, photo, games, pinic

My happy weekend

Last weekend, my classmates and I went to Fangshan. It was so interesting ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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