满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Once, the famous scientist Einstein trav...

Once, the famous scientist Einstein travelled to many places in America to give lectures. He travelled in a __26__, and soon made friends with his driver.

Each time Einstein gave the lecture, his driver __27__ sat in the front row and listened to him very carefully. The __28__ lecture was given so many times that the driver learned it well enough to give it himself.

One day, when Einstein was __29__ about it, he asked the driver to give the lecture for him in a small town.

That evening, both Einstein and the driver went into the lecture room. __30__ there had seen Einstein before. When the driver took his place, everybody applauded (鼓掌). Then he began the lecture. __31__ it was over, the people warmly applauded. The driver turned to look at Einstein. Einstein nodded with a smile on his face.

When they began to leave the lecture room, a man __32 __ them and asked the driver a very

__33__ question. The c river listened carefully, then he __34__ and said the question was interesting but really quite easy. To show how easy it is. I'll ask my __35__ to answer it," said the driver.

1. A. bus     B. train   C. plane    D. car

2.A. always   B. never   C. sometimes    D. hardly

3.A. different   B. same   C. uncomfortable   D strange

4.A. spoken   B. told   C. said   D shouted

5. A. Somebody   B. Everybody   C. Nobody   D. Anybody

6.A. If       B. Although   C. However         D. When

7. A. carried     B. believed   C. stopped    D. pleased

8.A. difficult   B. easy   C. relaxing   D.  perfect

9.A. smiled   B. cried   C. refused   D. jumped

10. A. student   B. driver   C. teacher   D. uncle


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.B 【解析】【主旨大意】本文主要讲述爱因斯坦经常做演讲,他的司机总是坐在前排认真听,所以他也可以自己做演讲了。有一次爱因斯坦让他的司机替他做演讲,演讲非常成功。但最后一位男士问了一个很难的问题,司机急中生智,让他的“司机”来替他回答这个“很容易”的问题。 1.做小汽车用“in a car”;做公共汽车、火车、飞机用“on a bus/train/plane”;由介词“in”可知“in a car”,故选D。 2.由“listened to him very carefully”可推断司机应该“总做在前排”,故选A。 3.根据“the driver learned it well enough to give it himself”可推断“演讲是同一个”,故选B。 4.根据后面的句子“she is my wife.她是我的妻子。”可推断那位客人在询问“你认识她是谁吗?”,故选B。 5.根据句子“he asked the driver to give the lecture for him in a small town”可推断“爱因斯坦备被告之做一次演讲”,故选C。 6.根据前后句子可推断“当演讲结束的时候,人们热情地鼓掌”,故选D。 7.由“asked the driver a question”可推断“当他们准备离开演讲室时,一位男士叫住了他们”,故选C。 8.由“to show how easy it is, I'll ask my ___ to answer it.”可知“司机不会回答这个问题”,从而可以推断“这是一个很难的问题”,故选A。 9.A smile 意思是“微笑”;fry意思是“哭”;refuse意思是“拒绝”;jump意思是“跳”。根据句子“the question was interesting but really quite easy”可知司机应该是“微笑”的,故选A。 10.对文章有了大概的了解可知“这次演讲是由爱因斯坦的司机做的,而司机遇到了难题,他便会急中生智让他的"司机"爱因斯坦替他来回答”,故选B。

Mr. White was holding a party at home to celebrate his sixtieth birthday. To make him happy, one of his women friends __21__ to sing a song for him. Now she was singing. One guest turned to a __22__ by his side and criticized the singer.

“What a __23__ voice!" he said. "Do you know __24__ she is?"

“Yes," was the answer, " She is my wife. "

“Oh, I beg your pardon,” the man said. "Of course her voice isn't bad, __25__ the song is very bad. I wondered who wrote that awful song?”

“I did," was the answer.

1.A. dreamed   B. decided     C. forgot    D. remembered

2.A. woman     B. girl       C. man     D. boy

3.A. terrible    B. beautiful    C. exciting   D. sweet

4.A. what    B. who       C. where     D. which

5.A. and    B. or      C. so      D. but



----You’re coughing badly. Have you gone to see a doctor?

   ---No, but I      .

   A. am going to    B. will not    C. am not going to   D. haven’t



---- Would you like to see the movies with me tonight? It’s said to be a science fiction film.

   ---    .

   A. Thank you very much   B. Yes, I’d love to.

   C. No, I don’t think so  D. You’re welcome



our English teacher encourages us      part in all kinds of after-class activities.

   A. to take    B. take    C. taking    D. to taking



My classmate lent me a(an)     so that I wouldn’t get wet in the rain.

   A. candle    B. umbrella    C. scarf   D. Wallet



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