满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

What ____ sad news! We can’t get the mov...

What ____ sad news! We can’t get the movie tickets.

    A. a    B. an   C. the  D. /


D 【解析】略

—John isn’t happy today. Let’s go and ____.

       —Good idea.

       A. cheer up him   B. cheer him up    C. to cheer up      D. cheer up



亲爱的同学,随着你走出本次中考的考场,初中的学习生活就结束了,迎接你的是近两个月的轻松假期。有的同学计划去旅游;有的安排走亲访友;有的想要上网( surf the Internet)、看电视、听音乐;有的在娱乐休息之余打算读些书、学点儿生活技能、参加一些实践活动;还有的……




1. What are you going to do?

2. How are you going to plan your activities? Why?

3. What do you expect your coming holiday will be like?

The summer vacation is coming…___________________                                       






注意:可以参考以下词汇:cause, waste, harm, pollute, lose     



It is widely accepted that television is playing an important part in people's lives. But, there is a heated discussion as to whether television does good or harm.

Television keeps one learning more about present events, allows one to follow the most re­cent developments in politics and science, and offers various programs which are .both instructive and exciting. The most distant countries, the strangest customs and the most attractive scenes of nature are brought right into one's room or house.

However, some people insist that television is bad rather than good. They argue that it has brought about many serious problems. The major one is its effects on young people. Children are now so used to getting their information and entertainment from television that their ability to read and write as well as physical ability has been greatly weakened. Even worse than that, vulgar( 庸俗的) advertisements and poor programs may develop their bad tastes, shape their view points badly towards human life to such a degree that their minds might be destroyed.

In a word, television has both advantages and disadvantages. Whatever effects it has, one point is certain, television in itself is neither good nor bad. It is the use to which it is put that decides its value to society.

1.What are people discussing nowadays?


2.What are the advantages television has brought us ? (至少2点)


3.Why do some people think television is bad rather than good?


4.It is the use to which it is put that decides its value to society. ___________________________________

5.What's your opinion about television?



Wood-block printing was invented sometime between the 4th and the 7th c 1. in Chi­na. The earliest book that we have was p 2. in 868 and was found in a Dunhuang cave. Wood-block printing took a long time because a new block was needed for every p3. in z book. By the 1 Ith century printed books could be f 4.all over China. They included books of Confucius' thoughts, dictionaries, and books on maths. In 1340, books could be printed u-sing two c   5. , black and red.

A 6. the Chinese learnt about printing so early, printing was not introduced in other parts of the world for hundreds of years. It is thought that when the great Italian traveler Marco Polo visited China in the 13th century, he s 7.printed books. It is possible that Marco Po­lo brought that k 8. to Europe. But printed books did not come to Europe u 9.1450 when a German called Johann Gutenberg i 10. a printing machine. Twenty-four years later, in 1474, an Englishman called William Caxton printed the first printed book in English. His second book was about the game of chess. Caxton printed about a hundred books, and some can still be found today in museums.



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