满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Can you tell me _______? — Doing more s...

—Can you tell me _______?    

— Doing more speaking is useful, I think.

A. how I can improve my Japanese      B. how can I improve my Japanese

C. when I can improve my Japanese     D. when can I improve my Japanese



A 【解析】略

— Can I speak to Mr. White, please?

   — _________.

A. I don't think so              B. Hold on for a moment 

C. That’s very kind of you        D. I’m sorry to hear that




—________ you ________ the TV play My Ugly Mother?

—Yes, it’s well worth seeing. It’s so moving that I’ve seen it twice.

A. Do, see         B. Have, seen      C. Are, seeing       D. Will, see




— Do you mind _______ the window? It’ s so hot today.

    —Of course not.

      A. open    B. to open     C. opened     D. opening




—My dream is to be a well-known movie star.

—I believe you ________ your dream if you keep on working hard.

A. realize   B. will realize  C. realized    D. have realized




—Mum, I want_______ of these two dresses.

—Sorry. You can only buy one of them.

A. all      B. none        C. some     D. both




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