满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— ______ is the best student in your cla...

— ______ is the best student in your class?

    — Lisa.

    A. Who         B. What        C. Where      D. When



A 【解析】略

— What can you see in the picture?

— I can see a farm. And there _______ a lot of animals on it.

A. is            B. are         C. be          D. am




Lucy went to Shanghai to visit her friends _______ July 25th last summer.

A. in           B. to          C at          D. on



I love music, and _____ father often takes me to the concert.

A. I            B. me         C. my        D. mine 




Middle school students’ lifestyle questionnaire

                                                                 Your choice:



1. How often do you exercise?                                                

A. less than three times a week 

B. three to six times a week

 C. every day

2. How long do you sleep every night?                             6ec8aac122bd4f6e                                       

A. less than 7 hours     B. more than 9 hours.      C. 7-9 hours

3. How much TV do you watch without a stop every day?              6ec8aac122bd4f6e           

A. more than 2 hours   B. 1 hour to 2 hours  C. less than half an hour

4. How often do you eat cakes, cookies, sweets, ice-cream and junk food? 6ec8aac122bd4f6e         

A. often                 B. sometimes          C. never

5. How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?                        6ec8aac122bd4f6e                                  

A. never                B. sometimes          C. often

6. How often do you walk to school?                               6ec8aac122bd4f6e                                

A. never                B. sometimes          C. often



Scores:  A=1 point  B=2points   C=3 points     Your health score:  6ec8aac122bd4f6e


6~9 points: Not healthy at all. Need exercise. Watch less TV. Sleep enough hours. Need healthy food.

10~13 points: Not bad but not healthy enough. Need more exercise, sleep and healthier food.

14~18 points: Very healthy. Congratulations!


      2. 字数不少于60。







1. 今天天气很热。去游泳怎么样?

    It’s hot today. _________________going to swim?


    He is ____________________ excited _____________________ say a word.

3. 玩电脑游戏太久对你的眼睛不好。

    Playing computer games too much_______________________ your eyes.

4. 我不但喜欢英文书籍,而且也喜欢英语歌曲。

    I like__________________________________________________________.

5. 在生活中,对于我们来说, 与别人相处的好是有很必要的。


__________________________________________________ in our daily life.




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