满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I like playing computer games, _____ I d...

I like playing computer games, _____ I don't have much time for it.

A. and              B. but            C. for           D. so


B 【解析】略

UNICEF wants to make _____ world _____ better place for children.

A. the; the     B. /; a           C. the; /        D. the; a



假如你是第二中学的一名初三学生刘红,你要写一封信给青少年专家Sigmund Friend,告诉他你遇到的问题,并请求帮助。请根据下列表格中所列的信息,写完这封信。





Dear Sigmund Friend,

My name is Liu Hong. I'm a Grade 9 student in No.2 Middle School.




Can you give me some useful advice? I hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes!

             Yours,                                                                                            Liu Hong

















1.She was seriously _______ (骚扰)after she put her phone number on the Internet.

2.They have _______ (成功)achieved what they hoped for.

3.My parents are busy all day. Howl wish they could _______ (匀出)some time for me !

4. We Chinese are proud that our country is becoming more and more _______(强大的).

5.To our surprise,Tom has make such great _______ (进步)after only one week.


6.---Have you received your pen friend's e-mail?

  ---No,my pen friend hasn't _______to my last three e-mails yet.

7.--Here's the new MP4 I bought yesterday.

  ---Oh,yours is _______to mine. They look the same.

8.---Why do some students prefer yellow when they study for exams?

    ---Because yellow is the colour of_______.

9.---What should I wear if I am feeling _______?  ---I think you should wear white.

10. ---Can you offer me some suggestions? ---OK,I hope my _______is worth taking.



The earth is our home;we must take Care of it. This means keeping the land,air and water   clean.

    Pollution is a dirty word. To pollute means to make things unfit(不合适的)or unclean to use. Pollution comes in many ways. We see it,smell it,taste it and drink it. Pollution is beginning to threaten(威胁)our health,or happiness and our life.

Man. has been polluting the earth from the time he first made fire,washed his clothes in the river and threw his waste on the ground. When land was used up or water became dirty. Men moved to another place. At first the problem was not so serious because there was plenty of clean air,land and water. There weren't so many people then and their wants(需求)were fewer. All the dirty things could be absorbed(吸收)by nature and soon. covered over(恢复), But this is no longer true. The increase of population(人口增长)and the development of industry have changed that. Man is slowly polluting. his environment.

Through the use of poison(农药),mall has polluted land! killing the animal. By putting dirty water and chemicals into rivers and lakes we have polluted our drinking water,killing the fish.

Our increasing population is part of the. problem. More people more waste.

    Where is this all to end? Are we turning the world into a big rubbish dump,or is there any hope that we can get rid of(摆脱)the pollution ?Luckily,millions of people have been warned of the danger of pollution. Large numbers of people are now working hard to bring pollution under

1.Which sentence is WRONG?

       A. We live on the earth,so we should look after it.

       B. To pollute means to make air ,water and land unfit for use.

       C. All the waste produced by modem industry can be absorbed.

       D. Man is now fighting against different kinds of pollution.

2.In this passage the word "chemicals" means

       A.化学         B.化学物质        C.化学的        D.医学的

3. From the sentences "More people more waste",we know that _______.

       A. because of the increase of population and the development of industry,more and more waste is produced

       B. we need more people,not more waste

       C. there isn't any hope that we can get rid of the pollution

       D. more people have been warned of the danger of more waste.

4.From the passage we can know that now man_______.

       A. doesn't know how to control pollution

       B. still doesn't realize how serious pollution is

       C. is doing something to control pollution

       D. begins to understand the pollution



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