满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

请根据提示以My classroom为题向你的朋友介绍一下你的教室,写一篇100...

请根据提示以My classroom为题向你的朋友介绍一下你的教室,写一篇100左右的短文。

提示: 1. 是个大教室。

2. 墙上有块黑板和几幅画。

3. 黑板上有十个数字。

4. 教室内有29张课桌椅,都是新的。

5. 我的桌子上有一本英语书、一支钢笔和一只铅笔盒,里面有一些铅笔和一把尺。





One possible version: My classroom This is my classroom. It’s a big room. There is a blackboard and some pictures on the wall. And there are ten numbers on the blackboard. There are twenty-nine desks and chairs in the classroom. They are all new. This is my desk. There is an English book, a pen and a pencil-box on it. There are some pencils and a ruler in the pencil-box. 【解析】略


Hi, my n  1.   is Li Dong. I a 2.   a Chinese boy. I’m tall. This is a p  3.   of my two new friends. The boy is Tom. He is f  4.  England. He is twelve. He is t  5. , too. L  6.  at the girl. She is Nancy. She is American. She is small. We are a  7.  classmates. This is our art room. It is small, b  8.  t we like it very much. There are some flowers in it. They are very n 9. . Our art teacher is a young man. We all l  10.  him.




Hello, boys and girls. Let me tell you something about our art room. In my school, there is an art room. It is clean. (1) There is a teacher and twenty students in it now. There are twenty desks in it. (2)Two desks ______ big and eighteen desks are _____. There are three balls and five boxes on the small desks. On the small desks, there are eighteen pencils and fifteen rubbers. There are thirteen pictures and a poster on the wall. We are very happy in the art room.

1. 把(1)处下画线的句子译成中文。


2.在(2)处填上适当的词,使句子通顺正确。           __________

3.回答问题:What’s on the small desks?


4.在文中找出与所给句子意思相近的句子。We have an art room in our school.







1.How __________ (be) your mother today? Is she OK?

2.The computer room is on the             (one) floor.

3.Hi, Andy. This is __________ (I) lovely cat.

4.They aren’t from the USA. They are all from ________ (Chinese).

5.You can’t _________(play) football here.

6.In the middle of the school, there ________ (be) a playground and some flowers.

7.This tall boy is polite and _________ (help).

8.In their classroom, there are twenty-one small __________ (box), too.

9.The two blackboards are very clean now. __________ (not clean) them.

10.There aren’t any _________ (read) rooms for the students.



This is my school. There are many trees and flowers in it. The teaching building is big and tall. There is a big playground in our school. After 4:30 in the afternoon, many students come to the playground to play football and some students play table tennis in the table tennis room.

There are 1,200 students in 25 classes in our school. The students all like to study. The teachers in our school are very good. They help the students to study and the students like them, too.

1.The school looks _____.

 A. small               B. old          C. nice             D. new

2. It’s very nice for this school to have ____.

 A. trees and flowers       B. a playground C. students and teachers    D. desks and chairs

3. There are at least (至少) _____ students in one class.

 A. 45                  B. 65           C. 75               D. 55

4. After class the students often go to _____.

 A. their classroom     B. their homes      C. the playground       D. the art room

5.What may teachers not do?

  A. Give the students lessons.     B. Play football and table tennis with the students.

C. Don’t like some students.    D. Help students to study.



Look at the picture. What can you see? In the picture there is a big table with a lot of things on it. There are three bottles of orange juice, two glasses of milk, some bread, cakes and so on. look, there is a cat under the table. It’s Kate’s cat. Its name is Mimi. I think it like them very much. No, Mimi. You can’t have them. All the things on the table are not for you. They are for Jim and Kate. They have them for lunch. POLLY is a bird.  Now it’s on the window. It’s eating a banana.

1. There is a big table with ________ on it.

A. many things                           B. three bottles of orange

C. two glasses of milk                   D. some bread and cakes

2.Where is the cat? It’s _________.

A. behind the door  B. under the table      C. near the window      D. on the floor

3.What’s the name of Kate’s cat?

A. Mimi          B. Polly                C. Xiao Mi          D. Mary

4.All the things on the table are for __________21世纪教育网

A. Jim and Kate  B. Jim and Mimi   C. Jim and his father   D. Kate and her mother

5.Which sentence is right ?

A. The cat is eating bread .                B. Jim is having breakfast.

C. Polly is eating a banana.                 D. Kate is having lunch.



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