满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

-----What is your brother like ?-------_...

-----What is your brother like ?-------_______________

A.He is fine, thank you.        B.He is doing his homework now.

C.He is tall and thin.          D.He is a famous doctor.


C 【解析】略


(   )1.airport   A. [eə]       B. [ʊə]       C. [ɪə]

(   )2.worse    A. [ɒ]        B. [ɔ:]        C. [ɜ:]

(   )3.science     A. [eɪ]         B. [aɪ]        C. [ɔɪ]   

B. 选出下列单词的正确读音(2分)

(   )4.height    A. [heɪt]        B.[haɪt]     C. [haɪət]

(   )5.climber   A. ['klaɪmə]     B. ['kleɪmə]  C. [klaɪ'mə]



假如你是Millie, 请你给班主任(Mr Wu)写一封推荐信,推荐Sandy当班长。信中要对Sandy 进行全面介绍:

1.我想推荐Sandy 当我们的班长,因为她有许多优良的个人品质;

2.Sandy 是一个自信、勤奋且充满好奇心的人。她从不害怕给一大群人作演讲。


4.她善良公正,还很聪明. 她富有想像力,经常能提出各种各样的新想法。







3. 这部电影让她想起了四十年前的那场可怕的地震。






1.Jane said that she_________________(更喜欢)sending emails to writing letters.

2.There was something wrong with his old MP4. Yesterday he had it_________________(修理).

3.Our English teacher is always_________________(精力充沛),so we are interested his classes.

4.Do you have___________________(困难)understanding what he said?

5.He was too_______________(急躁的)to wait in a queue.

6.Stop __________________(争论)!It’s no use.

7.People all over the world love____________________(和平).

8.What are you __________________(搓揉) into your skin?

9.No one can _________________(允诺) you success. All you need to do is to work hard.

10.I’m sorry , sir, the shoes are not _____________________(可获得的) in your size..

11.Are there any ________________(不同) between living in a big city and living in the country?

12. Art will have a great __________________(影响)on our lives in the future.

13.He pays a lot of ___________________(注意) to his writing.

14. Could you please give me some ___________________(建议).

15. Lily is doing __________________(实验) in the laboratory now.



Once upon a time,there were two good friends.One was called Jack and the other was called James.One day,the two friends were walking through the desert.During the journey they had a quarrel,and Jack couldn’t control himself and hit James in the face.James felt hurt,but he didn’t say anything.Instead,he wrote in the sand,“Today my best friend Jack hit me in the face.”

    They kept on walking until they found an oasis(绿洲).They decided to get some water there.Suddenly James had trouble in the water,he fell into the mire(泥潭)and was in danger.Jack saved him at once.When he felt all right,he wrote on a stone,“Today my best friend Jack saved my life.”Jack was very surprised and asked James,“After I hurt you,you wrote in the sand and now you write on the stone.Why?”James replied,“When someone hurts us,we should write it down in the sand so that the wind of forgiveness can blow it away.But when someone does anything good for us,we must write it on the stone,so no wind can blow it away.”

    Since then,the two good friends have never quarreled with each other again and they got on better with each other.

    Hatred(仇恨)can bring you nothing but unhappiness.If you don’t forgive others,you are making trouble for yourself Keep a peaceful heart all the time and remember to be always thankful to others!

1.What happened when Jack hit his friend James in the face?

    A.After he was beaten in the face James was hurt and ran away.

    B.James hated his friend,in return very much from then on.

    C.James hit his friend in return at once.   

    D.James wrote“Today my best friend Jack hit me in the face”in the sand.

2.What’s the matter with James in the oasis?

    A.He was very careless and fell into the mire.

    B.He wanted to get some water and fell into the mire.

    C.He wanted to know if his friends would help him when he had trouble.

    D.He wanted to make his friend have trouble,too.

3.What did James do after he was saved by his friend?

    A.He wrote some words on a stone.

    B.He thanked his friends at once.

    C.He wrote some words in the sand.   

    D.He drank some water and had a rest.

4.Which of the statements is NOT true according to the passage?

    A.Jack was very angry when he had a quarrel with James.

 B.They decided to get some water after they found an oasis.

    C.The two good friends went on walking after the quarrel and found an oasis a few days later.

    D.Hatred can only bring you unhappiness.

5.Why did James write words in different places?

    A.The wind of forgiveness can blow hatred away.

    B.No wind can blow thanks away.

    C.James only wanted to write words in different places.

    D.A and B.



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