满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题) Your ...

Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)

Your Nose is Busy and Important

Your nose has many important jobs, and is always busy.


Smelling helps you gather information about the world around you. A good scent (气体),like flowers, brings you pleasure. A bad scent, like smoke or sour milk, warns you of danger. Most things around you release scent particles (微粒) into the air. These invisible chemicals enter the nose when you breathe. Nerves in the nose send information to the brain to identify a smell. You are able to recognize thousands of smells.


Most of the air you breathe enters through your nose. The nose uses hair and mucus (粘液) to clean dust and germs (细菌) out of the air. The air that enters your nose contains oxygen. Your body uses oxygen to unlock the energy in the food you eat.  Even when you sleep, your body needs energy to keep your heart beating and your brain working.


Your nose helps you enjoy food. Flavor is a mixture of taste and smell. The smell of the food helps you identify what you are eating. The sense of smell contributes more to (贡献) food flavor than the sense of taste .When you are sick and have a stuffy nose, your food doesn’t taste as good because without smell, food loses most of its flavor.

Smell memory

Smells can bring back memories. Your brain uses a process to create a picture in your mind from the odors(气味)you smell. Smells can affect your feelings because the part of the brain that helps you identify smells is close to the area that affects your emotions, mood and memory. More smell memories are collected as you get older.

Your nose has many important jobs, and is more than just a smeller!

1.How many important jobs does a nose do according to the passage? What are they?

2.Smelling helps you recognize thousands of smells, doesn't it?

3.What does the nose use to clean dust and germs out of air?

4.What happens to your food if you are sick and have a stuffy nose?

5.How do smells bring back memories?

6.What do you think of your nose? Why do you think so?


1.Four. They are smelling, breathing, tasting and smell memory. 2.Yes, it does. 3.Hair and mucus. 4.It won’t taste as good. 5.By using a process to create a picture in your mind from the odors you smell. 6.It is very useful. Because it has many important jobs. Any reasonable answer is ok. 【解析】略

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

Anger (生气) is a kind of feeling. Many things can make you angry. When your teacher gives you too much homework, when your team loses an important game, when your friend b __1__ your favorite thing and then breaks it, you may get really angry.

Usually, your body will tell you when you are angry. For example, you breathe much f__2__, your face turns red and you may want to break something or hit someone, but sometimes, you hide your anger. For example, you may hide it in your h__3___ . The problem is that if you do this, you may get a headache or your stomach may hurt.

In fact, it's not good to hide your anger, and it's normal for you to get angry sometimes. But anger must be let out in the right way, without hurting o_  4  _or yourself. Let me give you some advice.

When you get angry, you can talk about it with other people. It's helpful to talk about your anger with other people, such as p___5____, teachers, good friends etc. When you talk about anger, those b___6___feelings can start to go away. On the other hand, when you start to feel angry, you can do some other things: count from 1 to 100; go for a bike ride; think about good things, etc.

Don't let your anger c  7   you. Remember that how you act when you are anger can make everything better or worse.



Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage

Exam time is the most stressful (最有压力的) period of the year. You've worked all the term on your classes and now it's the time to prove what you have learned. With so much at stake, it is easy to get stressed about your exams. However, with the right amount or hard work and focus you can pass your tests    1!

When I was in school, I used to get very stressed over my examinations. So did my friends. Some people stopped eating and others ate too much! Some     2 and others burned themselves out! The most important thing to remember when studying is not to panic! Take the middle path---stay calm, eat healthy food and get your rest. Stressing out and _3___yourself too hard is just as dangerous as not studying enough. A tired, overworked brain is just as useless as a stupid, empty one!

So, what do you do? Set aside a time each day for study and a time For __4 . You may have less time to relax than usual, but you still need to let your brain rest for a few moments. Get plenty of sleep. If you are_ 5  , information will not stick in your memory. Finally, eat healthy food that fuels your body and mind.

It does no good to look at your exams like the rest of your life   6  them. Instead, just view them as another obstacle (障碍物) you will overcome. You have overcome all kinds of obstacles in your life so far. With the right amount of work and focus, you will pass your examinations with flying colors! High school is right around the corner.








A.got off

B.gave up 

C.took up

D.put off





















A.looks on

B.puts on  

C.depends on

D.sits on



Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)

Newcastle is beginning to draw tourists from all corners of Europe. It's one of the fastest developing cities in the United Kingdom. It is said most visitors come here to see the famous soccer team play. The mood of the locals is often changed by the success or failures of the local team.

Newcastle's most popular place is the Gate. It's in the center of the city and has many attractions including bars, restaurants, sports bars, pubs and so on. During a home game it becomes a real home to happiness.

Culture and local history lovers can make their dreams come true by taking one of the local city tour buses. They come and leave every few minutes and stop at all the important historical sites in the city. Also the seats and the environment on the buses are comfortable. It's the best way to see the city without tiring yourself out or getting cold. Places such as the Hancock Museum and Millennium Bridge are must-see attractions. But be careful if you're short of time, Newcastle is a big place. So you should be prepared to kill a few hours on one of these buses.

If you want to watch the local team play soccer in the St. James Park, remember to book a ticket as early as possible. The locals are crazy soccer fans, and you’ll find it hard to get a ticket if you don’t wait in the queue early.                                                                                 

As you can see, Newcastle is a fantastic city with so much to be offered and so many things to see. You’re sure to have a wonderful time here!                                   

1.From the passage we know Newcastle is most famous for its_______.

A.soccer team

B.city restaurants

C.rich culture

D.historical sites

2.If you want to learn about the history and culture of Newcastle, you_____.

A.can go to the Gate

B.can take a city tour

C.must go to St James Park

D.must drive a car

3.The underlined word “They” in Para 3 refers to ______.

A.history lovers

B.historical sites

C.city tour buses

D.culture lovers

4.Which place is not in Newcastle? ______

A.St. James Park

B.The Hancock Museum

C.the Gate

D.the Tower Bridge

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Tourists will enjoy delicious food and have a good time in the Gate.

B.It's usually easy to get a ticket for a local soccer team play.

C.Many world famous soccer matches are held in Newcastle every year.

D.Newcastle is a very small city with many famous attractions.

6.The author wrote this passage mainly in order to_______.

A.introduce the culture and history of Newcastle

B.tell people the popularity of soccer teams in Newcastle

C.introduce the characters of people in Newcastle

D.encourage people to visit Newcastle



Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)

1.Peter has bread and milk for breakfast.(改为否定句)

Peter_______ _________bread or milk for breakfast.

2.Mr. Smith and his wife seldom drive their car to work.(改为反意疑问句)

Mr. Smith and his wife seldom drive their car to work,______ ______?

3.You should take the medicine three times a day.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________should you take the medicine?

4.London will hold the next Olympic Games.(保持句意基本不变)

The next Olympic Games will _______ ______in London.

5.My grandpa began to learn how to use a computer when he was over sixty.(保持句意不变)

My grandpa began to learn how to use a computer in ______ ______.

6.Chinese people plant a large number of trees on March l2 every year.(改为被动语态)

A 1arge number of trees _______ ______on March 12 every year.

7."Are you doing your homework, Tom?" Mother asked.(把直接引语改为间接引语)

Mother asked Tom ______he _____doing his homework.



Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)

1.2012 is a leap year. That's why there are _____ days in February. (twenty-ninth)

2.It is clear that your schoolbag is much heavier than _______. (I)

3.Thousands of_______were lost in the terrible earthquake happened in Japan. (life) 

4.We are very ______to our teachers for their great help. (thank)

5.Your smile is the best way to show people your_______. (kind)

6.Wu Liangyong is one of the_____to get China's Top Science Award this year. (win)

7.He needs a secretary who can also_________his life for him. (organization)

8.With the development of China, Chinese has become an international language and is______used all over the world. (wide).



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