满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—How are you feeling now, Miss? —To tell...

—How are you feeling now, Miss?  —To tell the truth, much_______.






C 【解析】略

Which underlined part is different from the others in pronunciation?

A. Sunday B. today   C. everyday    D birthday



1九年级学生面临着升学的压力。因此,许多学生课间休息时依然在教室里做作业。这样的行为会给学习带来帮助吗?初三(2)的同学们就这个问题进行了热烈的讨论。现在请你以“Is it a proper way to study in the 10-minute break?”为题,根据同学们的讨论结果写一篇短文,并谈谈你的看法。讨论结果如下:

         Some students’ ideas

               Your ideas

1. save time

1. …

2. do more exercises

2. …

3.Get rapid(飞快的)progress

3. …





Is it a proper way to study in the 10-minute break?

Recently we have had a discussion about whether it is a proper way to study in the 10-minute break or not...                                                      











1.If the sky is c      , there’s no rain or cloud and you can see very far,

2.Jack is the tallest a      the three students.

3.I wonder w       it is going to rain this afternoon.

4.Christmas Day is one of the most important f        in western countries.

5.It’s over 3 h       flight from our city to Beijing.

6.Would you mind not s        the door so loudly next time?

7.L       , Jack passed the test and he was very happy.

8.Do you know who I        the computer?

9.Whenever she makes decisions, her family always comes f       .

10.It’s important for a boy to believe in h       on the way to success.




so,  true,   kind,   say,   much,   invite,   you,  instead   polite,   activity

When someone asks you to do something you do not feel like doing, what should you do? It’s a good idea to say “no” at this time. It’s better to spend more time on some useful   1   .However, you may worry others will think you impolite or  2  . What should you do? Here are some tips that may help you.

It is OK to make up white lies. That doesn’t mean you are dishonest.   3   , it may make both you and the other person pleased and comfortable.

When   4   to a party or some other events that you do not want to take part in, you can say, “No, but thanks for the invitation. That’s very kind of you.” In this way you can not only refuse  5  but make the person who invited you feel comfortable.

When you don’t want to lie, just tell the   6    . You may say like this, “I want to spend more time on myself,  7  I’ve decided to say‘no’to these activities.” In this way, people will see that you respect yourself, and as a result they’ll also pay you  8  respect.

My last suggestion is to just do it. You may feel uncomfortable at first, but this is not the reason for   9   “no”. Never make anything more complicated (复杂的)than it is.

Feel proud of   10   for being strong enough to say “no”.





1.Joe comes from Moscow. He has studied in Beijing for two years. So he misses his hometown very much. He hopes to go to a city where he can find the feeling of returning home.

2.Mary is an American girl. She likes going shopping. This year she’ll graduate from a famous Chinese college. So she is planning to travel to a city where she may find a job.

3.Henry is from Canada. He is interested in surfing and diving. But the city in which he is living is far from the sea. So he is expecting to get to a place where he can do these activities and taste bananas and pineapples.

4.Rosa comes from Britain. She cannot stand hot weather. And she thinks some Chinese cities have too much pollution. So she wants to go somewhere clean and peaceful.

5.Timmy comes from Japan. He has great interest in taking photos. He is looking forward to staying close to nature. He even wants to take a boat while taking photos. However, he doesn’t like hot food.







City: Lhasa

Temperature in July:15-17℃

Attractions: blue sky, fresh air and wonderful dances








City: Harbin

Temperature in July: 24-30℃

Attractions: some old buildings

in Russian style







City: Chongqing

Temperature in July: 28-30℃

Attractions: tall mountains, hot food and friendly people.






City: Hong Kong

Temperature in July: 29-30℃

Attractions: nice and cheap clothes, all kinds of tasty food and chances to find good jobs.







City: Guilin

Temperature in July: 29-30℃

Attractions: fantastic hills, clean rivers and many other natural sights.







City: Sanya

Temperature in July: 27-32℃

Attractions: exciting water sports, lovely beaches and great tropical fruit.



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