满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Thanks for your help, John . We have fin...

Thanks for your help, John . We         have finished our work so

early              your help.

A. can’t   without         B. couldn’t   without     

C. wouldn’t   under        D. could      by


B 【解析】略

I didn’t take part in the soccer match yesterday           my illness.

   A. plenty of      B. because of    C. in the way of     D. instead of



Sally used to be               , but now she enjoys meeting new people.

A. friendly         B. shy          C. dishonest       D. outgoing



The underlined part in the word “added” is pronounced as       .

   A. /t/            B. /d/          C. /it/            D. /id/





1. 来回的时间及方式;

2. 活动内容:扫地,洗衣,娱乐……;

3. 活动感受:很累但很愉快;要尊重和关心老人。

参考词汇: old people’s home 敬老院  respect  vt.尊重

Thursday,January19th,2012                                      Cloudy                                              

The Spring Festival is coming. _______________________________________________









1.Could you give me a h________? I can’t stand up..

2.James, there is only one minute l________, so we need to hurry up.

3.Are you good at spoken English or w_______ English?

4.One c___________ is equal to one hundred years.

5.I w___________ go to his party unless I am invited.

6.John came to China last year. He has b______ to learn speaking Chinese.

7.Aunt Lucy used to be a f__________. She went fishing almost every day.

8.Tomorrow is D__________ forty-fifth birthday. He looks older than Mum.

9.Remember that it is not a _________ to use mobile phone in class.

10.The teacher asked the boy many questions, but he only a_________ some of them.



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