满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1你上一个星期天是怎么度过的?你过得愉快吗?请以“Last Sunday”为题。...

1你上一个星期天是怎么度过的?你过得愉快吗?请以“Last Sunday”为题。写一篇80词左右的记叙文。



One possible version: Last Sunday I had a great time last Sunday.1 went to the Zoo. My father was on his day off on that day.We got up very early in the morning.We had a quick breakfast and went out.We got to the Zoo at half past eight. There were many kinds of animals in it.We went to see The pandas first.They were very lovely.I love them very much.Then we went to see a tiger.The tiger was big.1 was a little afraid of it.But the tiger slept all the time.Then we went to watch a monkey show.The clever monkeys did all kinds of things.They were really interesting and made us laugh again and again.We got home at half past twelve.1 was very fired but very happy. 【解析】略



Tina: Hi, Dave.         1.

Dave: Oh, it was awful and boring. I didn't have fun that day.

Tina: What did you do?

Dave:           2.I saw a dolphin show there.

Tina:        3.

Dave: But there were so many people.

Tina:        4.

Dave: About 5,000 people.

Tina: Wow!  Too many.

Dave:          5.I couldn't see it clearly.

Tina: Oh, that's too bad.




enjoy, die, brush, want, start

1.I            my teeth three times yesterday.

2.When I was a child, I __ to be a doctor.

3.We            our vacation last year. We stayed at a very nice hotel.

4.Amy's grandfather __ when he was 90 years old.

5.The concert           at 7:30 and ended at 10:00.





We_____________ some _____________at the aquarium.


Thank you very much for_____________ me _______beautiful gift




No one _____________the ZOO because the weather _____________too bad.


Let’s_____________._____________._____________this afternoon.




1.--Alice, here are some g         for your birthday.   --Thank you.

2.Jenny wants to get Jay's a          She is his fan.

3.Look!  It's going to rain. Take an u          , please.

4.Last week was very rainy, and r__ fell every day.

5.He takes part in a swimming c        .

6.Every year many           .(visit) come to Beijing to see the Great Wall.

7.Ann fell off her bike yesterday.          (luck), she didn't hurt herself.

8.Jenny wants to be a tennis           (play) when she grows up.

9.Yesterday I watched a TV play about         .(live) underwater.

10.We saw some          (real) clever animals in the zoo.




1.Susan is a college student. She is on holiday 'in July and would like to visit the tallest tower of     the five below.

2.George, a student of history, is ready to write a paper on old towers. He is going to visit one in Europe.

3.Betty, a teacher from Australia, likes shopping very much. She is thinking of buying different things for her students.

4.Frank, from America, is traveling around the world. His last stop is to visit a tower where he can spend the night.

5.Peter is interested in plants and animals. He is now looking for a tower where he can see fish and other water animals.




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