满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1看图选择正确答案。 1.Bill's family name is . A. ...



1.Bill's family name is .

A. Brown              B. Green          C. White          D. Jones

2.Bill's aunt is

A. Kate               B. Linda          C. Lisa           D. Lily

3.Peter has          sons.

A. one                B. two            C. three          D. four

4.Lisa and Lily are Helen's

A. aunts              B. friends        C. cousins        D. sisters

5.Paul is Lisa's

A. grandfather        B. uncle          C. teacher        D. father


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B 【解析】 1.由于Bill的爷爷是Peter Jones,所以Bill姓Jones。 2.图中显示Kate是Bill的婶婶。 3.Peter有三个儿子,分别是Alan Eric和Paul。 4.Lisa和Lny是Eric和Kate的女儿。Helen是Paul和Rose的女儿,Eric和Paul是兄弟,因此Lisa,Lily和Helen是堂姐妹的关系。 5.Lisa的父亲和Paul是兄弟关系,因此Paul是Lisa的伯父或叔叔。



Look at my 1.__ tree, please. I am Mike. I'm from the USA. I have a big happy family. My wife (妻子) 2.       is a nurse. We have 3.__ kids. 4.__ is our son and Joy is our5.__. They study in No.1 Middle School. My father's name is Bill and my 6.__ name is Helen. My 7.__ are old. John is my 8.__. He is a doctor. Kate is my wife's 9.__She is a worker. My wife's10.__is Emma. My wife's father is Peter. They're old, too.



Please look at the photo. It is the photo   1   my family.

This is my grandfather.2    name is Dave Hand. He is a doctor. And this is my grandmother. Her name   3   Anna Brown. She is my father's   4  .

The tall man is my father. He likes playing baseball. He   5   cool. The nice woman is my mother. She likes watching TV. She has   6   yellow ring.

The man with glasses is my   7  . He is my father's brother. His   8   is Paul. He comes to see my grandparents with Emma and their daughter Mona. Look!  The young woman is my aunt. Her   9   name is Smith. And the little girl is my   10  . Her name is Mona Hand. The boy in the photo is Tim. It's me.

1.A. at      B. of       C. in      D. to

2.A. His     B. Her      C. My      D. Your

3.A. be      B. am       C. are     D. is

4.A. father  B. aunt     C. mother  D. uncle

5.A. spells  B. looks    C. thanks  D. calls

6.A. the     B./         C. a        D. an

7.A. uncle   B. brother  C. sister  D. aunt

8.A. phone   B. name     C. number  D. card

9.A. first   B. good     C. nice    D. family

10.A. cousin  B. daughter C. son     D. brother



1This is Jim and this is Tom. __ my __

A. She's; friend        B. They're; friends

C. They're; friend       D. She's; friends



1--Are these your books?


A. they're     B. they are        C. these are       D. these're



1--      ?

          --They are my books.

A. What are those     B. What is that    C. What is those  D. What is this



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