满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

There are some special traditions in Haw...

There are some special traditions in Hawaii . People there are very friendly and always welcome visitors . They give visitors a lei , a long necklace of beautiful fresh flowers . Men wear bright flowered shirts , and women often wear long flowered dresses .

 In Hawaii you may find some traditional Chinese , Japanese and Philippine holidays . Of course , many holidays are from the United States . People call Hawaii the Aloha State . Aloha means both “hello” and “good--bye”. It also means “I love you ” .

Usually when people from different countries , races or traditions lives together , there are serious problems . But in Hawaii there are few problems , people have learned to live together in peace .

Hawaiians earn most of their money from tourists , most of whom come from the mainland and from Japan . The families of the first people who came from the U.S. mainland own the important banks and companies . Japanese are  also starting business and buying more and more land .

1.The underlined word “lei” in Paragraph One means ____________.

     A. a necklace of flower                 B. a plant in Hawaii.

C. a group of flower                   D. a flowered dress

2.Which of the following is TRUE about the people in Hawaii according to the passage?

     A. They live together in peace. 

B. There are no problems at all in Hawaii .

  C. It is difficult for them to live together .

D. There are serious problems among them .

3. Most of the rich men in Hawaii are _____________ .

     A. Japanese                          B. Americans and Chinese

C. Japanese and Americans             D. Chinese and Japanese

4.The holiday in Hawwaii come from ______________ .

     A. America    B. Philippines    C. China and Japan   D. All the above

5.From the passage we know that Hawaiians are mostly __________.

     A. rude to others

     B. friendly to others

     C. visitors from the mainland

     D. tourists from Japan



1.B2.D3.A4.D5.C 【解析】略


More than three thousand languages are spoken in the world today . Many of these languages are spoken  _36     small groups of people . On the 37   ,hand , over two hundred languages are spoken by one million or more people . Chinese is the language spoken by the ___38 ___number of people in the world . But English is most   39  spoken in the world .

English is spoken by more than four hundred million people  40  their first language . It is   41 by most people in the U.S.A. , Great Britain , Canada , Australia and New Zealand . And it is   42  used very widely in many other countries of the world . Look at the back of your watch . You may see the English words “Made   43  China” , or “Japan” , even “Germany” .

English is the first language in  44   of these . Why are English words   45   on it ? That is because in the modern world English is widely used for business between different countries .

1. A. as        B. by        C. for            D. with

2. A. other     B. others     C. another        D. the second

3. A. biggest    B. bigger     C. largest        D. larger       

4. A. wide      B. wider      C. widest        D. widely

5. A. of        B. in          C. by           D. as

6. A. spoke     B. spoken     C. speak        D. speaking

7. A .either     B .as well      C. also         D. too

8. A. at        B. of          C. with         D. in

9. A. no one    B. none        C. nothing      D. no

10.A. written    B. wrote       C. write        D. writing




Have you ever _________ an athlete named Beckham ?

A. heard  B. heard of  C. listened from  D. listened to



Tina_________wait _________ see her parents .

A. can; for   B. can’t; for  C. can; to   D. can’t; to



Why did you get up so early ___ this morning.







____ a cold winter morning, I met her in the street.







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