满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

看图,选择最佳答案。 1. This is ______. A. Motorol...




1. This is ______.

A. Motorola 8008   B. Siemens A55   C. Nokia 8210     D. Panasonic 2128

2. Is it a small radio? ______

A. Yes, it is.     B. A radio.      C. No, it isn’t.      D. A video.

3.Is that a good way of exchanging(交流)by phone? ______

A. Yes, it is.     B. No, it is.     C. Yes, it isn’t.      D. No, it isn’t.


1.C 2.C 3.A 【解析】略


             A                                                                B

1. Can you spell it?                                     A. Thank you.

2. Are the basketballs next to the box?       B. All right.

3. Do you have a watch?                            C. Yes, they are.                

4. Your jacket is nice.                                 D. Yes. R-U-L-E-R,  ruler.

5. Please call John at 8964318.                    E. No, but I have a clock.



书面表达 (15分)




赞    成(60%)

反    对(40%)













补全对话 (5小题,每小题2分,共10分)


A: Hello, Xiaoming . 1.______________________________?

B: I’ m sending an e—mail to one of my good friends .

A:You are great ! But 2.__________________________________.Could you please teach me how to do it ?

B: Certainly ! 3._______________________. Well , I have finished sending it .

A:Is it easy to send an e—mail ?

B: 4.____________. Please look at me . I will show you how to do it . First , 5._____________________________. You can see a picture of a letter on the screen . Click on that , a box will appear -----

A: Thank you .

B: My pleasure .








Maps are very useful and important  to us today, but  they are not a new_1.___.In fact, people have made and used maps for __2._. It is believed that the first map of the world may be a 2,600-year-old clay map from Babylonia . People in the past did not__3.____ what the world really __4.__ like ,but they had many ideas about  5.___ .

Mapmakers could not draw accurate maps of the earth until people began traveling around the world in the___6._century,mapping small areas each time .In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, people  _7.__making correct maps of countries , but the accurate maps of the world were not made until the 1890s.

Maps today are reliable , cheap , and  _8._ to understand . People depend on __9.__ every day. What would our lives be like  _10.__ them?

11.___________12.____________13.__________ 14._________15._______

16.___________17.___________18._____________19._____ ____20._______



Have you ever seen the man in the moon? If you look closely at the moon on some nights, you can see the face of the man in the moon. Some people say that they can see an old man carrying sticks. 1.        These pictures are made by the mountains and plains of the moon.

Long ago people in England used to tell their children that the moon was made of green cheese.2.          The moon is a large round rock. It is completely bare. There are no trees or plants on the moon. There are no rivers or seas. There are no living things. It never rains on the moon, and everything is covered with dirty, white dust. 3.            

When the sun shines on it, the moon is very hot, in the shade, however, it is as cold as ice.4.          It does not weigh as much as the earth. If you went to the moon, you would weigh six times less than you do now. 5.       




A. Even a fat man would be able to jump high off the ground.

B. The moon is much smaller than the earth.

C. Everyone knows that this is not true.

D. Not even a sound can be heard on the moon.

E. Others say a girl is reading a book.




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