满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- ____homework is required for a midd...

 --- ____homework is required for a middle school student every day ?          

   ---About two hours .                                            

    A. How much      B . How many      C. How long          D. How often 


:A 【解析】:考查特殊疑问词。对homework 进行提问,故用how much,故选A。

--- Nancy, you are going to buy a flat here, aren’t you ?

--- Yes, but I can’t ____ an expensive one .                                

   A. spend           B. afford           C. pay               D. cost



--- When did you get to know the information?

   --- ____  I ____ yesterday.

   A. Until, told                B. Not until, told             C. Until, was told        D. Not until, was told



 --- What about yesterday’s homework, Amy?

--- I found ____ hard to finish all the exercises.

   A. it                 B. it’s              C. that              D. that’s



-- I hear Andy and Lily are going to have a party to celebrate their ten years of ____ .

  --- Really? They have ____ for ten years?

   A. marrying, married                              B. marriage, married

C. marrying, got married                 D. marriage, been married



 --- The Greens have gone to Yangzhou for a trip, haven’t they ?

   ---____ , and they will return tomorrow afternoon.

   A. Yes, they have      B. No, they haven’t     C. Yes, they haven’t   D. No, they have



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