满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

-___terrible weather it is! –It is says ...

-___terrible weather it is! –It is says that it will get____ later.

A.What a;bad





B 【解析】weather是不可数名词,所以what引导感叹句时不用不定冠词;get是系动词后跟形容词构成系表结构,前后有比较意义故用worse。

要求:1. 书写工整,表达流畅,格式正确。

2.      词数60~80。

3.      发挥你的想象,描绘出你的美好将来。




Dear Aunt Chen,

My cousin is the ___1___ age as me. She’s really nice, and we ___2__ on well, but she always borrows my things. Last week, she borrowed my math book and didn’t ___3___ it. So I couldn’t do my homework. I don’t want to have a ___4___ with her, because she’s my best friend. I don’t know what to do. Could you please give me some ____5___?








Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude (态度).A study shows that the people who are more confident are much happier. They can have more chance to make themselves successful. But how to be more confident? Here are some suggestions:

·Speak loud   When you are not confident, you can't do well what you want to do. You speak in a voice so low that other people can hardly hear you. Try to speak loud enough so that people can hear you clearly. The .high voice can help you become more confident.

·Play sports   Physical exercise makes you tired but completely relaxed. [3] A strong body helps you be full of confidence.

·Encourage yourself   Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you have done well. Did you finish your homework? Did you tell a joke that made everybody laugh? Give yourself praise for the good things you've done.

·Get rid of (消除) fear   Fear comes along with failure (失败). But it's easy to overcome (克服) if you know that failure is part of your life. Don't hide your head just because you said something stupid last time. Try to start again and believe you can do better.

·Pick up a hobby    If you like singing, sing as much as you can. [4] In some ways, a hobby can make you outstanding. And it will make you happy and confident.


1.How many suggestions can help you to be more confident?


2.How to encourage yourself?









Sam woke up suddenly. Someone was moving around in the next room. “Maybe it’s his grandmother, getting a glass of water,” he told himself. But the next room was the living room. It wasn’t near the kitchen. Sam’s parents were away, and there was only his grandmother in the house with him. He looked at his watch. It was three thirty! Too early for his grandmother to get up!

He got out of bed and opened the door very quietly. The window was open. A man was standing near it and looking in the dark drawers. His grandmother kept her money there! He thought quickly. Yes, the radio! He turned it on and a man’s voice filled the room. The thief felt scared and jumped onto the window. Then he jumped down two floors to the ground. He gave a shout.

His grandmother was awake and she called the police right away. The thief couldn’t get up, because his leg was badly hurt. When the policemen came, they were very happy. “Great, Sam,” said a policeman. “This man is a famous thief.”


1.The living room was next to Sam’s bedroom. It was near the kitchen.

2.Only Sam and his grandmother were sleeping in the house that night.

3..Sam shouted, so the thief was scared and jumped out of the house.

4.The thief wasn’t hurt at all after he jumped out of the house.

5.The policemen were very happy because they caught the famous thief.



Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly? Or when your best friend does not wait for you after school?

If you do, you need to control(控制) your feelings and stop getting angry so easily. Getting angry easily can make you lose friends.

Gary Egeberg, an American high school teacher, wrote My Feelings are Just Like Wild Animals to help you control your feelings. It tells teens how to stay cool when bad things happen to them. The book says that getting angry only makes problems worse. It can not make them better. “Getting angry is not a natural way to act”, the book says. It is just a bad habit, like smoking. The book says you can control your anger easily, and all you have to do is to tell yourself not to be angry.

When a baby falls over, it cries only when people are watching it. Like a baby, you can only get angry if you are sure it is the right thing to do.

The book gives many suggestions to help you if you get angry easily. Here are the top three.

①Keep a record. Every time you get angry, write down why you are angry. Look at it later and you will see you get angry too easily.

②Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry. This will teach you not to be angry.

③Do something different. When you get angry, walk away from the problem and go somewhere else. Try to laugh!

1.The writer wants to tell us ____.

A.not to get angry easily

B.to work hard at school

C.to do more exercises

D.to help each other

2.The writer thinks that if you get angry easily you will ____.

A.get ill very easily

B.lose your friends

C.put on weight easily

D.eat less

3.My Feelings are Just Like Wild Animals is a ____.





4.My Feelings are Just Like Wild Animals mainly tells us ____.

A.what to read

B.how to read

C.how to stay cool

D.how to learn English well

5.In the fourth paragraph, the underlined word “it” refers to(指的是)____.

A.the book



D.the baby



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