满分5 > 初中英语试题 >


我们的家乡—东台,是一个美丽的地方,交通便捷,空气新鲜,人们很友好。她坐落在中国的东方,靠近大海。东台有很多独特的美食,当然了,我们也可以品尝到美味的海鲜(seafood)。东台是一个现代化的城市,有很多的购物中心,超市,也有休闲娱乐的地方,如电影院,体育馆,图书馆等。请你以“My home town”为题向来自远方的朋友介绍一下我们可爱的家乡东台吧。词数60词左右。








(略) 【解析】(略)


My coat is _____ ___ cotton. ______ ______ yours?


Don’t listen to music and do your homework _____ ______ ______ ______.


There is _____ ______ ________ in Sunshine Town _____ in other areas of Beijing.


_______ ________ the road, ______ ____ into Park Road.

5. 当我有空我会打电话给你。

I’ll ______ ______ when ______ ________.



      This is a s__1____ of twin brothers, Justin and Paul. Their friend Susan calls them for h__2____. Justin and Paul drive to Hill Building q____3____. Three man in police uniform p___4___ them into a green van. They are not p__5_____. They are the robbers. The twin brothers aren’t a____6___. Paul opens the back door of the van w__7____ a knife. They take different r_______ to the police station. They meet the robbers a____9__ in the police station. They are s____10_____. The policemen stop the van because the back door of the van is open.




1. When they heard the good news, they laughed and jumped _________ (happy).

2. The sun is shining brightly. What a ________ (sun) day!

3.________ (thousand) of people come to Suzhou every year.

4. Nancy is a new student here , however, everyone is _______ (friend) to her.

5. ______ you _______ (see) the doctor this afternoon?




1. As a ________ (班长),her duty is to report the absent.

2. Spring is the best season to go on a _________(野餐)。

3. My father is a good _________ (厨师)。He can cook nice food.

4.This is one of the best ________ (剧院) in the city.

5.The little boy is very clever. He can ________ (数) from one to one hundred.

6.Mr. Black is _______ (出发) for the USA next week.

7. will buy a present for my brother’s ________ (二十) birthday。

8.I’d like a big house with a beautiful ________ (花园)。

9.Eddie is a very _______ (懒惰)dog, he just like eating and sleeping.

10. ________ (最后),I do my homework.



 People are busy working every day, so they do not have enough time to do exercises. As a result, many people become too fat or too thin. To keep our bodies healthy, we have to do exercises every day.

There are many kinds of exercises. Bending (弯腰) and stretching (伸展) helps us move easily. Before we play ball games or swim, it is better for us to do bending and stretching exercises first. This kind of exercise is sometimes called warm-up exercise. Running is also a good exercise. If we cannot run fast, we can Jog. Jogging means running slowly. Again, before we run or jog, we must do warm-up exercises. Also, we should not run or jog in busy streets. The air there is often dirty. Some people like weight lifting (举重)because it can make their bodies strong. Also, we need to do some warm-up exercises before weight lifting.

How to do ____1_____.

Why do people need to do exercises?

People are busy _2_____ every day.                     Many people are too fat or too __3____.            Doing exercises every day can keep us __4_____.             

Different ____5___ of exercises.

Bending and stretching helps us _6_____ easily, sometimes we call it ____7_____ exercise;           ___8____ is a good exercise , too;                 We can ____9__ if we can’t run fast;              Weight lifting can make our bodies _____10___.



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