满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.Do the umbrellas belong to those _____...

1.Do the umbrellas belong to those _____________(邮递员)?

2.I introduced Lucy to Mike and now they’re _____________(已婚的).

3.Is the wooden house hidden _____________trees? (在……中)

4.The charity walk becomes even __________ because you have to finish walking a 100-kilometre trail within 40 hours.(艰难的)

5.They discussed for a long time, at last they reached an ____________. (协议)

6._________ (luck), he didn’t catch the last bus back home. He had to walk. 

7.Tough the cartoon _____________ (it) was not interesting, it still attracted many kids.

8.None of my classmates can swim _____________ (far) than I can.

9.Every time you answer a question __________ (correct), you will lose a point.

10. Computers were one of the greatest __________ (invent) in the last century.


1.postmen         2.married         3.among          4.tougher           5.agreement       6.unluckily        7.itself            8.farther   9.incorrectly     10.inventions                  【解析】 此题重点考查单词的拼写以及对语句的整体理解。

Saturday,March 24th

We have arrived in the hot, wet city of Bangkok. This is our first trip to Thailand(泰国). All the different smells make us want to try the food. We are going to eat something special for dinner tonight. The hotel we are staying in is cheap, and very clean. We plan to stay here for a few days, visit some places in the city, and then travel to Chiang Mai in the North.

Tuesday, March 27th

Bangkok is wonderful and surprising! The places are interesting. We visited the famous market which was on water, and saw a lot of fruits and vegetables. Everything is so colorful, and we have taken hundreds of photos already! Later today we will leave for Chiang Mai. We will take the train north, stay in Chiang Mai for two days, and then catch a bus to Chiang Rai.

Friday,March 30th

Our trip to Chiang Rai was long and boring. We visited a small village in the mountains. The village people here love the quiet life -- no computers or phones. They are the kindest people I have ever met. They always smile and say “hello”. Kathy and I can only speak a few words of Thai, so smiling is the best way to show our kindness. I feel good here and hope to be able to come back next year.

1.The diaries above show the writer’s _________days in Thailand.





2.It seems that visitors _________ in Bangkok.

A.often feel hungry

B.can always find cheap things

C.can’t take any photos

D.can enjoy themselves

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Chiang Mai is a beautiful city in the south of Thailand.

B.The writer left Chiang Mai for Chiang Rai by bus.

C.Chiang Rai is a boring city in the mountains.

D.The writer is traveling alone in Thailand.

4.The people in the village _________.

A.are friendly to others

B.like to speak English

C.are very weak

D.hope to live in the cities

5.The best title of this article is_________.

A.My First Travel

B.The Outside World

C.Traveling in Thailand

D.A Country on the Train



It was the last day of the final exam in a college. On the steps of building, a group of engineering students were waiting for the last exam. On their faces was confidence(自信的). 

They knew the exam would be easy. The professor (a teacher at a college) had said they could bring any books or notes during the test.

Right after they came into the classroom. The professor handed out the papers. There were only five questions on it.

Three hours passed. Then the professor began to collect the papers. The students no longer looked confident. On their faces was nervous expression(表情). The professor watched the worried faces before him, and then asked, “How many of you have finished all five questions?” No hand was raised. “How many of you have answered four?” Still no hands. “Three? Two?” The students moved restlessly in their seats. “One, then? Certainly somebody has finished one.” But the class kept silent. The professor said, “That is exactly what I expected. I just want to make you know clearly that even though you have completed four years of engineering. There are still many things about the subject you don’t know. These questions you could not answer are common in everyday practice.” Then, smiling, he added, “You will all pass this course, your education has just begun.”

The years have obscured the name of this professor, but not the lesson he taught.

1. Why did the students think the exam was easy at first?

A.Because it was their last exam in the college.

B.Because they knew there were only five questions.

C.Because they thought they were clever and talented.

D.Because they were allowed to bring any books and notes during the text.

2.What does the underlined word “obscured” mean in the last paragraph?





3.. What’s the best title for the article?

A.Some Confident Students.

B.An Engineering Exam.

C.An Interesting Professor.

D.An Unforgettable Lesson.



Last month the manager(经理) of a jewelry shop ( 珠宝店) received a letter. As he was very busy then, the letter lay on his desk till tea-time. He opened it and a 10-pound note(票 ) fell out onto the desk. Within the note was a letter which said:

Dear sir:

In 1935 I got engaged(订婚 ). But unfortunately I lost my job. At the time a lot of people were out of work. Six months later I got a job again, but of course I was very short of money. I came to your shop to buy a wedding ring(婚戒 ). The assistant took out some rings for me to look at, but she was called away for a moment, and I put one of the rings in my pocket. When she came back, I said I didn’t know the size of my girl’s finger. So I left the shop without buying a ring. My wife died a short while ago and the fact that I never paid for the ring has been heavy in my heart all these years. At that time, the ring cost 2 pounds so I think it is 10 pounds at today’s price and I’m sending 10 pounds.

Yours truly,

A customer (顾客 )

1.What happened in 1935?

A.The jewelry shop lost some rings.

B.The customer married a girl.

C.The customer stole (偷窃) a ring for his wife.

D.The customer stole a ring for his girl friend.

2. What do you think of the customer?







Richard found a job in a big office after he finished college. He liked to use his(1)___ and was good at his job. So he was often paid more than (得到的报酬多于) his workmates and he worked (2) _____ . But something was wrong with the young man a month ago. He couldn't fall (3) _________ at night. So he was always (4) _________ in the daytime and often made mistakes. He had to go to a hospital. The doctor (5) _________ and told him to buy some sleeping pills. He took them (6) _________ he went to bed. Soon after that he went to sleep. Richard (7) _________ in the morning. He had a look at the clock on the wall. It was a quarter to seven. He got up and went to work after (8) _________ . As soon as he went into the office, he said to the head of the office, "Good morning, Mr Clarke! I've (9) _________ had a good sleep like last night's and I'm feeling much better now!" "Skunk (混蛋)!" the head (10) _________ loudly. "We've looked for you for two days! I wanted you to do something important, but it's too late now!"


























A.looked for him

B.looked at him

C.looked after him

D.looked him over









A.stood up

B.woke up

C.sat down

D.lay down





















--We could ask Jim to sing a song for the party.

--_____________ He isn’t good at singing.

A.That’s a good idea.

B.I’m afraid not.

C.Why not?

D.I hope so.



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