满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The floor is quite wet, and my teacher t...

The floor is quite wet, and my teacher told us _________ quickly.

A. to mop up it     B. mopped it up         C. to mop it up    D. mop it up


C 【解析】tell sb to do sth,同时mop ···up为动词+adv构成,如果其宾语为人称代词宾格形式,应该位于二者之间。

 Let’s enjoy the song “Yesterday Once More”. It sounds________.

       A. bad          B. sadly                C. well        D. wonderful



– I hope you all enjoy yourselves in the World Park.

        – ____________.

A. Yes, we would B. Have a good time   C. Thank you        D. That’s OK



– How many babies can a mother giant panda have _________ ?

        – One or two.

A. one time    B. at a time       C. at times         D. some time



The trip from my school to the park _______ about twenty minutes by bike.

A. takes        B. spends               C. costs            D. uses



________ of giant pandas is getting _________ because their living areas are becoming farmland.

A. The number, larger and larger

B. A number, larger and larger

C. The number, smaller and smaller

D. A number, smaller and smaller



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