满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

There are times in our lives when we rem...

There are times in our lives when we remember. Remembering the good things of __46__   is a most precious (宝贵的) time; these memories are __47__  in the corner of my mind.

    When I was four years old, I often went to a kindergarten (幼儿园). I __48__ many toys and friends that made me laugh and cry. The teachers were __49__ and friendly. They taught us many interesting songs and games.

    We played all day long. We did not know what learning was at that time, __50__ we were learning every day.

    When I was __51__ years old, I started school. I was very __52__ because I became a school student and began to learn school subjects. My favourite subject was __53__. I remember, the first day, our science teacher told us the sun was like a big fire ball and __54__ was very, very far away. Nobody could stay close to that "ball". We were quite surprised and kept our mouths open. We began to wonder at the __55__ of the universe(宇宙). Later on, more ideas __56__ weather, planes, railways, wildlife, deserts and even pollution came to our ears. We began to learn __57__.

   When I was about ten years old, I __58__ quite a lot of things. I began to read newspapers, keep a diary, visit museums __59__ make many friends. Every day was something new. Every day was interesting and exciting.

Now I am in the middle school. Each day is new to me. Happily I am still learning, which is like a journey to me. I have finished the first part, but there is still a long __60__ for me to go. I hope I will become a learned person someday.

1.A. the future     B. the past(过去)   C. last year        D. next year

2.A. sometimes      B. seldom           C. never            D. always

3.A. borrowed       B. bought           C. had              D. saved

4.A. beautiful      B. old              C. kind             D. young

5.A. as             B. but              C. if           D. before

6.A. three          B. seven            C. eleven           D. fifteen

7.A. angry          B. excited          C. tired            D. worried

8.A. English        B. Physics          C. Science          D. Maths

9.A. they           B. I                C. he               D. it

10.A. size          B. colour           C. shape            D. place

11.A. about         B. to               C. with             D. for

12.A. quietly           B. carelessly  C. slowly       D. suddenly

13.A. kept          B. bought           C. knew             D. took

14.A. and           B. but              C. so           D. or

15.A. time          B. trip             C. way              D. road


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.A 12.C 13.C 14.A 15.C 【解析】 1.根据下文的内容,可知答案为B,表示记得过去的事情。 2.根据上文的内容,可知答案为D 3.根据上下文的意思,可知答案为C,表示拥有很多朋友的意思。 4.根据后文内容They taught us many interesting songs and games.,可知答案为C 5.根据前后内容关系为转折关系,关系B,表示但是的意思,符合题意。 6.根据一般常识,一般上学的年龄为7岁左右,关系B 7.根据后文的内容I became a school student and began to learn school subjects.可知答案为B,表示很兴奋的意思。 8.根据下文的内容I remember, the first day, our science teacher told us the sun was like a big fire ball可知答案为C,是科学。 9.根据上下文的内容可知答案为D,表示上文的球,故用it 代替。 10.根据上下文的内容可知答案为A 11.根据上下文的内容,可知答案为A,表示关于的意思,符合语境。 12.根据上下文的意思可知答案为C,表示慢慢地,开始学习很多的内容。 13.根据上文的意思,和阐述的内容,可知,我已经学了很多的东西。故选C,表示知道的意思。 14.根据前后文的内容之间的关系为并列关系,故选A 15.根据上文的内容Each day is new to me. Happily I am still learning, which is like a journey to me.可知答案为C,表示路还很长的意思。

The floor is quite wet, and my teacher told us _________ quickly.

A. to mop up it     B. mopped it up         C. to mop it up    D. mop it up



 Let’s enjoy the song “Yesterday Once More”. It sounds________.

       A. bad          B. sadly                C. well        D. wonderful



– I hope you all enjoy yourselves in the World Park.

        – ____________.

A. Yes, we would B. Have a good time   C. Thank you        D. That’s OK



– How many babies can a mother giant panda have _________ ?

        – One or two.

A. one time    B. at a time       C. at times         D. some time



The trip from my school to the park _______ about twenty minutes by bike.

A. takes        B. spends               C. costs            D. uses



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