满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---Why not take a short rest at home tod...

---Why not take a short rest at home today?

        ---   .

        A. You’re friendly.    B. Have a good time.

        C. You’re welcome.     D. That’s a good idea.


D 【解析】why not+动词原形意思是问什么不怎样,表示的是一种建议。其肯定性回答常用that’s a good idea。

---Mike got injured while he was playing football yesterday afternoon.

        ---   .

A.That’s nothing.        B. That’s all right.

C. It doesn’t matter.    D. I’m sorry to hear that.



---Do you know      now?

        ---In the People’s Hotel.

A.where is Mr Green working    B。where did Mr Green work

C.where Mr Green is working    D。where Mr Green worked



---    has your brother studied in New York?

        ---For two years.

        A. How far    B. How often     C. How soon    D. How long



The new student could speak     English    Chinese, so we had to talk with her in Russian.

        A. as; as           B. both; and     C. neither; nor     D. either; or



---Emma has to stay at home to look after her little sister,   ?

         ---Yes, because her mother has gone to the supermarket.

         A. does she   B. is she    C. doesn’t she    D. hasn’t she



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