满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---Your sister bought a camera last week...

---Your sister bought a camera last week, didn’t she?

        ---Yes, and it     her a lot.

        A. spent     B. paid     C. took     D. cost


D 【解析】此题重点考查cost,spend,pay,take四个花费的区别;cost的主语是物常用句型结构是sth cost some money;spend的主语是人,常用的句型结构是sb spend some time/money in doing sth; pay的主语是人,常用句型结构是sb pay something some money;take的主语是it,常用句型结构是it takes sb some time to do sth

---Why don’t you go to the lecture room and listen to the talk?

        ---I hear there isn’t     in it.

        A. something interesting     B. interesting anything

C. anything interesting      D. nothing interesting



We won’t start the meeting     Miss Wang comes.

        A. since     B. until     C. while     D. so



---Why not take a short rest at home today?

        ---   .

        A. You’re friendly.    B. Have a good time.

        C. You’re welcome.     D. That’s a good idea.



---Mike got injured while he was playing football yesterday afternoon.

        ---   .

A.That’s nothing.        B. That’s all right.

C. It doesn’t matter.    D. I’m sorry to hear that.



---Do you know      now?

        ---In the People’s Hotel.

A.where is Mr Green working    B。where did Mr Green work

C.where Mr Green is working    D。where Mr Green worked



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