满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1. The second Sunday of May is _______ M...

1. The second Sunday of May is _______ Mother’s Day, it’s _______ special day for children to show their love to their dear mums.

A. the /the             B. 不填/a           C. 不填/the             D. the/a


B 【解析】Mother’s Day 为专有名词,前不用冠词后文可以用,故选B


要求:1. 根据所提供的内容,适当拓展想象,灵活地将所提供的信息体现


   2. 条理清楚,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范

   3. 字数90个左右,开头和结尾已经学好,不计入总词数。

Please use the information below to help you to prepare a speech about space travel.


Hi, everyone,

I am very happy to show my opinion about space travel.







Thank you for listening.




【小题 1】我没有看清那个凶手长什么样子。


【小题 2】我的家乡明年将要建造飞机场。


【小题3 】和往常一样,这家服装店每周三有特价。


【小题 4】在街上踢足球多么危险呀!


【小题 5】她已经去英国一年半了吗?





【小题1 】Wow, those players are playing badminton so well! Can you guess who

    is        (可能) to win the match?

【小题 2】What he said was already            (记录) by the police.

【小题 3】I look forward to _______(划) a boat with my family on a sunny day.

【小题 4】Once Harvard University________ (提供) me a valuable chance to study

    further ,but I didn’t take it.

【小题 5】We should be grateful to the person who _______ (发明)the light bulb.

【小题 6】 I was happy, there is ________(简直) no other word for it.

【小题 7】A unclear(核) war is surely ________(残酷) than any other kind of war in the human history.

【小题 8】I am so sorry that all the rooms have been taken and there is no room

    _______ tonight because all the rest rooms have been ordered.

【小题 9】People under 18 aren’t allowed to get into _________ because they are not allowed to drink wine according to the law.

【小题 10】 Businessmen usually _______ hands when they meet.





Look at the centre circles of Diagram (图)A and Diagram B. Which of the centre circles looks larger? In fact, they are exactly the same size.

Then look at the picture on the right. What do you see? A vase? Or two faces?Does the picture change quickly from one to the other again and again? Maybe or maybe not, but you can never see them at the same time.


    “What’s happening? Is something wrong with my eyes?” You may wonder at what you see. Don’t worry. Here is how it goes:

    When we look at things, our eyes send messages to our brains and then our brains interpret(解读)the information. However, sometimes our brains interpret the received information in a wrong way. It seems that our eyes are playing a joke on us. This often happens and we call it “visual illusion(视觉错误)”.

Movie makers often make use of visual illusions. They make the objects around actors much smaller or bigger than usual. This makes us believe that the actors are much larger or smaller than they usually are. The movies Jurassic Park and Honey I shrunk the kids just make use of visual illusions.

【小题1 】Why does the centre circle in Diagram A look smaller than that in Diagram B?

A. something is wrong with our eyes

B. the two circles are not the same size

C. our brains interpret the information in a wrong way

D. the two pictures change quickly from one to the other

【小题2 】 What do movie makers make use of visual illusions for ?

A. To help the actors look better

B. To make the actors much braver

C. To help the actors become stronger

D. To make the actors seem different in size

【小题 3】In the picture below, it seems that Line AB is shorter than Line CD, but in fact Line AB is as long as Line CD.


Which paragraph can explain what has happened to our eyes?

A. The second one.

B. The third one.

C. The fourth one.

D. The sixth one.

【小题 4】 What’s the right order according to the passage?

    a. We look at things with our eyes.

    b. Our brains interpret the messages.

    c. Our brains tell us what we have seen.

    d. Our eyes send messages to our brains.

    A. a d b c          B. c a b d        C. a c d b      D. b c a d

【小题 5】Where may this passage be from?

        A. A letter                         B. An English newspaper

        C. A science book               D. An advertisement



America is growing older. Fifty years ago, only 4 out of every 100 people in the United States were 65 or older. Today,10 out of every 100 Americans are over 65. The aging of the population will affect American society (社会) in many ways —education, medicine, and business. Quietly, the growing of America has made us a very different society —one in which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior is suitable at various ages.

A person’s age no longer tells you anything about his/her social position (职位、地位), marriage or health. There’s no longer a particular year in which one goes to school or goes to work or gets married or starts a family. The social clock that kept us on time and told us when to go to school, get a job, or stop working isn’t as strong as it used to be. It doesn’t surprise us to hear of a 29-year-old university president or a 70-year-old man who has become a father for the first time. Public ideas are changing.

Many people say, ‘I am much younger than my mother—or my father—was at my age.’ No one says ‘ Act your age’ any more. We’ve stopped looking with surprise at older people who act in youthful ways.

【小题 1】It can be learnt from the text that the aging of the population in America ______.

    A. has made people feel younger

    B. has changed people’s social position

    C. has changed people’s understanding of age

    D. has slowed down the country’s social development

【小题2 】The underlined word ‘one’ in the first paragraph refers to____.

    A. a society        B. America C. a place D. population

【小题3 】."Act your age " in the last paragraph means people should ______.

    A. be active when they are old

    B. do the right thing at the right age

    C. show respect for their parents young or the old

    D. take more physical exercise suitable to their age

【小题 4】If a 20-year-old man becomes general manager of a big company, the writer of the text would most probably consider it ______.

    A. normal                           B. wonderful       

C. unbelievable                     D. unreasonable



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