满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Hurry up, dear. We have to get to the st...

Hurry up, dear. We have to get to the station before 11:45          we can catch the 12:00 train.

A. since            B. after                C. as soon as           D. so that


D 【解析】so that引导结果状语从句,故选D

What          good news! We will have          long holiday after the exam.

A. /; a             B. a; /             C. /; /             D. a; a



An terrible earthquake happened          the Indian ocean          a spring afternoon.

A. on; in           B. in; on               C. on; on               D. in; in



90后学生(post-90s students)有许多优点如:乐于助人,关爱他人;精力充沛,兴趣广泛;自信勇敢等,但也有诸如:粗枝大叶,不善表达(express),不善与人沟通交流,以及与长辈相处等缺点,请你按照以上提示写一篇短文。具体要求:

1. 内容包括以上提示要点,可适当发挥;

2. 根据自己的感悟,对90后学生提出1-2点建议;

3. 语句通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚;

4. 字数90左右;

5. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名.

As post-90s students, we have so many advantages. ________________________________










1.在电影《Titanic》中,Jack 和Rose在轮船上彼此一见钟情。













1.Mary is always the first person to get to school every day, she arrives at school __________(早) than anyone else in her class.

2.The World Cup will be covered ______________(现场地),don’t miss it.

3.---Is the book easy enough for young children?

---I don’t think so. It’s far ______________(超出)their ability.

4.The house is ________________(充满)with heavy smoke. Does it catch fire?

5.My tooth ached the whole night, it’s better for me to go to the _______________(牙医诊所) to have it pulled out.

6.Some of the film stars had been _____________(歌手) before they entered the film industry.

7.______________ (成千上万)of swallows will fly to southern countries to spend winter.

8.Beijing is the most important cultural center of China, do you agree___________ me?

9. Wenchuan Earthquake is remembered as a natural ______________. It has destroyed lots of people’s homelands and made them homeless.

10.After Mr. Green raised the question, there was dead _____________ in the classroom. None of us was able to answer it. Everyone just sat there quietly.



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