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Some students who are from all around t...


说明: 6ec8aac122bd4f6e

 Some students who are from all around the world are talking about the way they go to school on School Bus Bar at http://tieba.baidu.com/.

In our country, most of the students go to school by school bus. For me, I go to school by school bus every day. It takes me about 30 minutes to get to school, because my home is far from the school. The school bus is not only beautiful but wide and strong. It makes me feel safe when I am in school bus.

Mary Smith from America

I think riding is one of the best ways to go to school because my school isn’t very far from my home. It takes me about 15 minutes. I like riding a bike and I think it’s good for my health. But nowadays, the number of the cars is becoming larger and larger and the crowded traffic will certainly bring about the risk of safety. So my parents hope that I can take the school bus to school.

Li Ping from Wenzhou

I went to school by bus one month ago, but now I walk to school with my parents or my classmates. It’s because the school bus accident. In the accident, lots of students died. I have to get up one hour earlier than before. I spend one and a half hours getting to school. And now it’s very cold outside. I hope to have a school bus.

Bing Bing from Jiangsu

1.Mary Smith’s school bus isn’t ______.

  A. safe            B. beautiful          C. strong         D. dangerous

2.Why does Li Ping go to school by bike?

  A. Because she likes riding.         

B. Because the crowded traffic.

  C. Because her school is far.        

D. Because there is no school bus.

3.How long does Bing Bing spend on the way to school?

A. 30 minutes         B. 15 minutes      

C. one hour           D. one and a half hours


1.D 2.A 3.D 【解析】 1.根据文章内容The school bus is not only beautiful but wide and strong. It makes me feel safe when I am in school bus.可知答案为D 2.根据文章内容I like riding a bike and I think it’s good for my health.可知答案为A 3.根据文章内容I spend one and a half hours getting to school.可知答案为D

A 10-year-old boy decided to study judo* although he had lost his left arm in a car accident. The boy began   11   with a Japanese judo coach. The boy was doing well, so he couldn’t know   12   the coach taught him only one move. After three months of   13  , the boy finally asked, “Sir, should I start to learn more moves?”

“This is the only move you know,   14   this is the only move you’ll need to know,” the coach replied. Not quite understanding, but the boy   15   his teacher. So he kept training.

Several months   16  , the coach took the boy to his first match. To his surprise, the boy   17   won his first match. The second match was more difficult. But after some time, his opponent* became impatient. The boy used his one move to win the match again.   18   of the people in the stadium were amazed by his success. The boy was now in the finals.

This time, his opponent was bigger,   19  , and more experienced. For a while, the boy seemed to   20  . Worried that the boy   21   get hurt, someone shouted, “Stop! Stop! Stop!” However, the coach said, “No,   22  .”

As the match was keeping on, his opponent made a big mistake: he dropped his guard. Quickly, the boy used his move to   23   him. The boy won the final match. He was the winner.

24   the way home, the boy asked his coach: “Sir, how did I win the match with only one move?”

“You won for  25   reasons,” the coach answered, “First, you’ve almost known one of the most difficult moves in all of judo. And second, the only defense* for that move is for your opponent to catch your left arm.”

The boy’s greatest weakness had become his greatest strength.

1.A. class         B. learn             C. lessons            D. work

2.A. why             B. what              C. when             D. how

3.A. doing   B. running           C. writing            D. training

4.A. so       B. but               C. or                D. until

5.A. asked for B. depended on        C. believed in         D. came out

6.A. later      B. ago               C. before             D. after

7.A. slowly  B. easily             C. carefully           D. hardly

8.A. None  B. Both              C. All                D. Either

9.A. weaker     B. worse              C. cuter              D. stronger

10.A. win      B. lose               C. take               D. throw

11.A. might     B. can               C. must              D. should

12.A. stop    B. play               C. stay               D. continue

13.A. fail      B. win               C. get                D. beat

14.A. In    B. At                C. On                D. For

15.A. one    B. two               C. three              D. four



-I can’t go with you today. There will be a test tomorrow.

- ______. Maybe next time.

A. It doesn't matter                          B. My pleasure

C. I don’t think so                           D. You are welcome



Be more careful this time, ______ you’ll make the same mistake again.

A. and             B.or               C. so              D.but



What a lovely present the old lady has received for her ______ birthday!

A. eighteen          B. eighty            C. eighteenth         D. eightieth



-What is your father doing now?

  -He ________ the room.

A. cleaned           B. cleans           C. have cleaned        D. is cleaning



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