满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— Excuse me, do you have ________ ipad 2...

— Excuse me, do you have ________ ipad 2 ? I want to e-mail my friends.

  — Sorry, I don’t. But my father does. You can ask him.

  A. a               B. an                C. the              D. /


B 【解析】本题主要考查的是冠词的用法,即定冠词the和不定冠词an/a的用法,在第一次提到某物时,要用不定冠词an/a,而本题ipad2的首个音标为ai为元音音标,故选an,故选B

中考临近,学习中遇到的问题越来越使同学们产生心里压力,为了更好地发现及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,你们班特意开展了一次以"Less Pressure, Better Study"为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你准备发言稿,谈谈你的一些缓解学习压力的好办法,与同学分享,内容包括:


如:It’s hard to work out math problems./ I can’t spell some English words correctly. ……

●  我如何缓解我的压力

如:listen to music/go shopping/go to movies ……




Less Pressure, Better Study

Hello, boys and girls!

Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world. Students in our class are under too much pressure._____________________________________________________________________









That’s all. Thank you!


defense防御    electronics 电子学   garage 车库   hire 雇佣   judo 柔道  

NPC全国人民代表大会    opponent 对手   premier 总理     puzzle迷惑

release 发布消息   rejoin重返  symbol 标志,符号   statement 申明,报告  technology 工业技术   valuable 有价值的









A. Time is money.  B. Love   C. The star  D. The wind    E. Friend   F. Mother



It was a   46   (晴朗的) day. We decided to have a picnic outside the   47   (城市). In the morning, we took an   48   (早的) bus there. It was quite a colorful world. there were green trees, orange leaves, red  49    (花). At noon, we reached the place, we   50   (坐) by the river bank and took out a lot of things, such as   51 (面包), orange juice, apples, cakes, eggs and so on.   52 (在…之后) lunch, some classmates played games, some flew kites ,  53   (其他的) painted pictures. But suddenly, it began to rain. Unluckily we didn’t bring umbrellas . We had to take a bus to go back   54   (家) in a hurry. But we still felt very   55   (兴奋) .

      What an unforgettable picnic it was!    




see  yourself   light   fast   wet

1.I didn’t get   ▲   though it rained heavily.

2.It’s getting darker and darker, please turn on the   ▲  .

3.Last Sunday they went to the zoo and  ▲   a lot of animals.

4.Help   ▲   to some cakes, Lily, they’re very delicious.

5.He runs very   ▲   and he always wins the first place in the race.




说明: 6ec8aac122bd4f6e

 A long time before I was born, my grandma and grandpa moved into the house on Beechwood Avenue. They had a young family of 4 little girls. During that time, it was hard to find a job. So, on weekend grandpa and grandma cleaned the garden to grow some of their own food. They planted tomatoes, beans, cabbages, potatoes and strawberries to feed their growing family. All summer long, the family ate food from the garden.

The family grew up, and before too many years had passed, the grandchildren came to visit. Grandma and grandpa still planted their garden every spring. Everyone still enjoyed the good food from the garden and always took some home.

Then grandpa died in one summer when he was eighty-nine years old. It was a lonely winter for grandma. She sat near the window, looking out at the yard and wondering if she could plant the garden in the spring. It would be hard to care for it by herself. When spring came, she planted only a little.

One nice day in the early summer, grandma heard a noise in the front yard and looked out the window. There were thousands of bees in the air. Grandma wondered what she could do. She decided to wait and think it over. Before long, she decided the bees won't bother anyone, so she went about her business and didn't give them any other thought.

That summer, grandma’s little garden grew and grew. The neighbors all puzzled* why they grew so well. One day, grandma’s brother Frank visited her. Frank said,"In my hometown, the farmers often hired* beekeepers to set up bee houses near their fields. The bees helped them to grow." That was when Grandma realized that her bees had helped with her garden all summer.

From that Time on, grandma always believed that since grandpa couldn't be there to help her that summer, he had sent the bees to take his place and make grandma's little garden grow and grow.

1.How did the grandparents feed their growing family?

  A. did whatever jobs he could.             

B. grow some of their own food in the garden

  C. moved into the house on Beechwood      

D. making a lot of money

2.In the passage, “It was a lonely winter for grandma.” probably means      .

  A. The winter is really long.                  

B. The winter is really cold.

  C. Grandma couldn’t plant the garden in winter   

D. Grandma really missed the grandpa.

3.Who helped with the grandma’s garden?

  A. Grandchildren          B. Bees

  C. Frank                 D. The neighbors

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

  A. The Garden            B. My Grandparents

  C. Grandpa’s Bees         D. The Secret of Grandma



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