满分5 > 初中英语试题 >


在我们身边,总有很多需要帮助的人。创建文明城市,也需要每个人都积极担任志愿者工作。请你以“Volunteer Day”为题,用英语写一篇不少于80词的短文。

内容要求:1. 你喜欢从事什么样的志愿者工作,为什么?

2. 描述一件你或他人在“志愿者日”的感人经历;

          3. 这件经历对你的教育或未来的积极影响。

注    意:短文中不允许出现与考生本人相关的真实姓名和校名等信息。

Volunteer Day








Being a volunteer is very great. I want to be a volunteer to protect the environment. Because the earth is our home .The pollution is becoming serious. Xiao Hong volunteers at an elementary school helping elementary students read. It is a great experience for her because she loves kids, and not only the kids are learning from her, she learnt a great deal from the kids as well. Xiao Ming takes care animals in Animal Hospital. It is great because Xiao Ming wants to become a vet and by volunteering he can get a sense of what a vet does every day, and learn a little about different animals.  Xiao Gang volunteers at a hospital singing to the patients there. Xiao Gang feels really satisfied after each volunteer session because the patients are all happy. 【解析】略


    提示词:rules, uniform, design, because, beautiful

    要求:1. 使用全部提示词,并在语段中用下划波浪线“﹏﹏﹏”标出提示词;

          2. 语段具有一个相对合理的主题意义;

          3. 词数为50词左右,最多不超过80词。








Class Nine 1.________________________ on the school trip. They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First they visited the Visitors’ Center and watched a movie about sharks. Then they watched a dolphin show. After that, they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus. After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and 2.____________________________. Finally, tired but happy, they took the bus back to school. At the end of the day, the science teacher 3. __________________ because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip.





_____________________________________________________________________, Tina?










说明: 6ec8aac122bd4f6e

A: How was your weekend, Jack?

B: Pretty good. I went to watch 2012 Xiamen International


A: Really? What was the result?

B: A runner from Kenya named Peter Kamais 1.________

the first prize of men’s race in 2:07:37, he also broke the

record. The women’s title was claimed by Ethiopian

(埃塞俄比亚), Ashu Kasim, who finished in 2:23:09.

A: He was great. How was the 2. ___________?

B: It was rainy and cold, the temperature was only 11-16 C. But over 70, 000 marathon runners took part in it.

A: Did you 3. __________ any foreigners? What do they think of Xiamen?

B: They said Xiamen is clean and 4 ___________. And people are really friendly, they get much

5 ___________ when they meet trouble.

A: I am so proud on hearing this. I should 6. ____________ every day and make myself stronger.

B: A good idea. Then you can be a Marathon runner next year.



Scientists believe in the near future a new kind of car that can not only drive on the road, but also fly in the sky will serve the people, it is called “flying-driving vehicle”.

Since the turn of the 20th century, there have been many hundreds of designs for flying-driving vehicles. And some of them have actually been built and flown. But “Transition” is the closest to people.

Transition was designed in 2006, and the first road and flight tests took place in 2009. Transition is designed to really be a general airplane, which can fold up(折叠)fully its wings, drive down the road and park in a single-car garage(车库).

Transition can climb to more than 3000 meters high. It can carry two people at speeds over 160 kilometers an hour in the air. And on the ground it can drive at highway speeds, about 113 kilometers an hour.

Scientists expect Transition to reach market at the end of 2012, at a price of around 25, 0000 dollars. Mr. Carl Dietrich says nearly 100 people have already signed up as buyers. He hopes to sell as many as 1000 a year in the near future.

1.We learn from the passage that Transition is ________.

A. a flying car         B. a helicopter         C. a high-speed plane

2.________ shows us the way of Transition driving down the road.

A.                         B.                          C.


3.According to the passage, Transition ________.

A. takes up small room

B. can park over the water

C. flies in the sky only

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to this passage?

    A. Transition can carry 2 people at speeds over 113 km/h in the air.

    B. Mr. Carl Dietrich has sold as many as 1000 Transition so far.

    C. Scientists expect Transition to serve the people at the end of 2012

5.The fourth paragraph(段落) mainly tells us about the __________ of Transition.

    A. price                        B. speed                    C. Design



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