满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Miss Gao teaches _____ English. We all ...

 Miss Gao teaches _____ English. We all like her lessons.

A. our      B. we      C. ours      D. us


D 【解析】此题考查固定句型结构teach sb sth表示教某人某东西。

That's the most beautiful place ______ I have ever __________.

A. where; visited          B. that; visit              C. where; visit          D. that; visited 



 My English teacher had a trip to the USA last summer.

   Which picture did she take there?










中考临近,Torn经常很烦闷,晚上睡不着,上课注意力不集中,经常想着万一考不上怎么办?于是他给某报社的心理医生Mr. Green写了一份e-mail进行咨询,希望他能给自己一些建议,以便在冲刺阶段能全力以赴。

Dear M. Green,

I’m sorry to trouble you. You know there will be a big exam this term. But it seems that everything goes wrong with me. I can’t fall asleep at night and I can’t listen to the teachers carefully. I am always worried about my grades. I know it is not good to do so, but I can’t control myself. What should I do?

Write to me soon. Best wishes to you!



    请你以心理医生Mr. Green的名义给Tom一些晚上更好休息以及如何放宽心态、积极备战的建议。要求通顺达意。字数在80-100词之间。

参考词汇:relax; healthy; happy; confident

Dear Tom,

    I’m glad to hear from you. In my opinion, though the exam is very important,









Yours truly,

Mr. Green




1.______________(熬夜) too much is not good for our health.

2.Shall we invite the famous singers to our food ____________(节日)?

3.The pollution in this town used to be very serious, people _____________ saw the blue sky ____________(既不……也不) breathed fresh air.

4.Yu Dan ________________ (被看作) one of the best speakers in our country.

5.We should study hard and _________________(为……作贡献) to our country in the future.



Now many students have become crazy about c  78   cards in my school. Some have been collecting them   79   about three years. After one gets card, he will   80    (分享)it with his friends. Many students are so addicted (上了瘾的) to it that they have changed a lot. Some students even play with the cards in class. So they have fallen behind in their   81  .

The card is i  82   as a gift in the bag of some food. T  83  , to get these cards, many students try their best to ask for   84   from their parents. I hear Tim and Tom have already collected more than one t  85   cards from stores or their friends.   86   is not long for them to collect a lot of cards. But without good care, the cards can be taken away easily by other collectors. So many students fight with each other for the cards.

I suggest that as a student, we shouldn’t be too fascinated(感到,着迷的) in collecting cards   87   longer. Study hard and become a good host of the future!



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