满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The music often makes me ________ of my ...

The music often makes me ________ of my old friends.

A. thinks           B. to think       C. think            D. thinking


C 【解析】本题考查的是make sb do sth,为固定词组搭配。故选C

I found a boy _________ in the corner of the street on my way to the supermarket.

A. cry            B. crying         C. is crying          D. to cry



It’s really not ___________ you to do such a silly thing.

A. clever enough of     B. clever enough for

C. enough clever for    D. enough clever of





  one half of the world’s population,  water wasting,  shower,    run, speed,

  tap (水龙头)            

                             Save  Water





假如你叫张明,你去朋友Tom 家还CD,但他不在。你把CD放在他家的信箱(mailbox) ,并留张便条说明此事。请完成此便条。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Tom ,


                                                  Yours ,

                                                  Zhang Ming




   According to American food writer Michael Pollan , the best-tasting , freshest food you can eat is from the garden . 1.He just published a new book about healthy eating for kids . The book tells where our food comes from and how kids can eat healthily .

 Here are some of his suggestions :

 A: Try not to eat anything your grandmother wouldn't recognize as food .

 B: Try to eat packaged(包装) food with more than five ingredients .

 C: Try to stay away from foods and drinks that contain a sweetener called high  fructose corn syrup(果葡萄浆) . It makes you fat easily .

 D: Try to eat more fresh foods . A food made to last forever is usually full of chemicals .Food should be alive , and that means it should be with Read Labels(标签). 2.Pay attention to where your food comes from and how it was grown .



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