满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 Blue Ocean Aquarium is a ...


Blue Ocean Aquarium is a great place for families to take a holiday. Children love to see the sea animals and watch movies about sharks in it.

      Last Saturday morning, Mr Jackson took his wife and two little sons to the aquarium. At the ticket office, he asked, "How much shall I pay to get in?" The woman at the ticket office answered, "The price is 20 dollars for each adult or any kid older than five. We let kids in free(免费) if they are five or younger. How old are your kids?" Mr Jackson said, "The older one is six and the younger one is thee.  I think I must buy three tickets. " The woman was surprised. She said, "Sir, don't you want to save 20 dollars? If you tell me your older son is five, I won't know the difference. "  Mr Jackson said with a smile, "Yes, that sounds right,

but my kids will know the difference. "

      From Mr Jackson' s  story, we know honesty is very important in the modem society. We should tell the truth to the people around us, especially to the kids.

1.There are      people in this story.

         A.3            B. 5                C. 4                D. 6

2.Mr Jackson paid        for their tickets to the aquarium at last.

A. 20 dollars    B. 40 dollars          C. 60 dollars         D. 80 dollars

3.Children can see_____ in Blue Ocean Aquarium.

         A. dolphins     B. pandas            C. koalas            D. tigers

4.The underlined word "honesty" means_______

         A. 激情     B. 友谊        C. 乐观       D. 诚实

5.What can we learn from the passage?

         A. Mr Jackson was very rich,

         B. Mr Jackson wasted to save some money.

         C. Mr Jackson paid for his two sons' tickets in the end.

         D. Mr Jackson thought honesty was more important than money.


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B 【解析】 1.理解归纳题,根据文中语句“Mr. Jackson took his wife and two little sons to the aquarium.和The woman at the ticket office answered,”理解可知。 2.细节理解题,根据文中第三自然段的语句理解可知。 3.细节理解题,根据文中语句“Children love to see the sea animals and watch movies about sharks in it.”理解可知。只有海豚是海洋生物 4.细节理解题,根据文中语句“We should tell the truth to the people around us, especially to the kids.”理解可知。 5.细节理解题,根据文中语句“She said, "Sir, don't you want to save 20 dollars? If you tell me your older son is five, I won't know the difference. "”理解可知。


  A.later    B.nothing  C.terrible   D.neither  E.hope  F.something

  G.fastest  H.broke   I.without   J.meet    K.either  L.winner

说明: 6ec8aac122bd4f6e

Sometimes, life isn't as perfect as we imagine. If so, what will you do?

 Liu Wei, the famous pianist  61   arms in China, is a good example. He lost his arms in a   62    accident when he was only 10 years old. However, he wanted to keep his dream. He learned to swim in a recovery( 康复) hospital when he was 12. Two years  63  , he won two gold medals in a National Swimming Championship for the disabled. After that, he began to learn how to type with his feet. He  64   the world record and became the person who could type  65   with his feet. In the following years, he started learning to play the piano.

      Last year, he became the  66  of China' s Got Talent Show( 中国达人秀). He always says, " There are two ways in my life. I will   67   live a wonderful life or die. " We can learn   68   from Liu Wei. No matter how hard the life is, keep smiling to ourselves.

      Martin Luther King has ever said, " We must accept( 接受) disappointment in our life, but we must never lose our  69    " What he said is quite true. When we   70   difficulties. Please face them bravely. Where there is a will, there is a way.




( Eric came back home from school on Friday evening. )

Eric: Hi, Dad! I'm back.

Dad: Hmm, Eric ! How was your study this week?

Eric: Pretty good. And I have good news to tell you. Do you want to know?

Dad: Of course. (56)______________________ ?

Eric: I won first prize in the English speech contest.

Dad: Well done. (57)                         your science? Any progress?

Eric: Yes, Dad! At least I tried my best and learned a lot from my mistakes.

Dad: Good! I' m sure that you can catch up with your classmates very soon.

Eric: Thank you, Dad! I've been busy these days and 1 feel tired. Shall we  (58).                             tomorrow?

Dad: A picnic? Why not? We all need to relax ourselves.

Erie: Great! (59)                            ? And what time?

Dad: Let's go to Central Park at 8:00 in the morning.

Eric: (60).                                              ?

Dad: The radio says it' s a fine day. Finish your homework first and we can help mum do something for the picnic,

Eric : That' s wonderful, Dad.





A.Why do you want Io be a basketball player?

B.Think it over!

C.No.I don’t want to talk with them.

D.But it’s not everything.

E.Do you have a plan for the future?

F. Yes.many times.

Celia: Hi Tony! You look upset. What’s wrong?

Tony: I failed the exam again. I'm afraid I have to give up my study.

Celia: No, never. If you do that, you will let your parents down.       1   

Tony: Yes. I want to practice basketball and become a basketball player like Yao Ming or Kobe.

Celia:      2    

Tony: Because it' s my dream job. If I am famous, I can make lots of money.

Celia: Money is important.        3    

Tony: I know. But I want to hold on to my dream.

Celia: Have you ever talked with your parents?

Tony:      4       But they don't agree. They want me to be a doctor.

Celia: I think you'd better take your parents' advice.

Tony: Maybe you're right. But why can't 1 make my own decisions?

Celia: Come on, Tony.        5       After all, your parents have more experience.

Tony: Anyway, I’ll think about it. Thanks for your advice.



1 argued with my best friend yesterday. She is angry with me now. The underlined part means“______”.

A. is mad at    B. is worried about     C. is surprised at     D. is strict with



--Would you mind opening the window? It's too hot in the room.

         -- ______. I’ll do it right away.

         A. You ' d better not                    B. Of course not

         C. I hope not                          D. It doesn't matter



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