满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

, volunteering is both a chance to help...

           , volunteering is both a chance to help others and a good way to develop ourselves.So you'd better make time to volunteer.

        A. To my surprise           B. To be honest           C. To start with


B 【解析】考查介词短语的辨析。后面内容是对volunteering的解释,属于事实。因此用To be honest (说实话)。

--Every time the exam is over, I will           the results.

       --Take it easy! Grades are not our whole life.

        A. be worried about         B. be pleased with          C. be good at



Dear, you need to           by next week, to go to university at home or to go abroad.You are going on eighteen. OK, Mum. I am considering it.

A. make an appointment      B. make a suggestion        C. make a decision



O~tr school had to           the soccer games because of the bad weather, which made students frustrated.

               A. put on                 B. put off                 C. put up



The Zhang family are looking forward to owning a house. Last week they went to see several houses, but           of them was suitable.

               A. either                     B. neither                   C. none



Nobody believes a 92-year-old could run a marathon            she passed the finishing line. People of all ages can challenge themselves.

               A. if                       B. since                    C. until



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