满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Although it was only autumn,everything o...

Although it was only autumn,everything outside was covered in white.Unexpectedly, we were hit with a big  36  storm and no one was prepared.

    We have two apple trees in our backyard.Prana,our dog,loves  37.When she goes outside,she usually grabs a dirty apple from the ground to eat later on.Prana knows that when she brings her treasure into the house,I am not always  38,so she tries to hide it from me.It is our little game.

    On the day that it snowed too  39  in the season,Prana went outside and I  40  her from the window.I noticed that she was  41 lots of holes and bringing out the apples buried beneath the snow.She seemed to be  42 to dig up as many apples as she could.

    But when she came back inside,she brought back only one.About five minutes later,I looked outside.The yard was completely  43 with birds.Prana had dug up all those apples for her bird friends to eat.She knew that they hadn’t prepared  44 food for the early winter.

    This beautiful act of unconditional love from a(an)  45 taught me what real kindness was.

1.A.sand    B.snow    C.thunder D.rain

2.A.apples    B.winter    C.games D.bones

3.A.clear    B.correct    C.happy D.surprised

4.A.1ate    B.beautifully    C.1ightly D.early

5.A.met    B.watched    C.called D.heard

6.A.hiding    B.finding    C.cutting D.digging

7.A.determined    B.suitable    C.nervous D.encouraged

8.A.hit    B.marked    C.covered D.taken

9.A.delicious    B.enough    C.1ess D.extra

10.A.teacher    B.friend    C.animal D.bird


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C 【解析】短文属于记叙文。作者讲述小狗在雪天用自己贮存的苹果招待没有食物的小鸟,表现了小狗对朋友的无私的“爱”。 1.根据前一句“was covered in white”,可知遭受了暴风雪。 2.根据上句中的“apple trees”和下句的“dirty apple”可知小狗喜欢苹果。 3.根据后面的“so she tries to hide it from me”可猜测“我”不高兴她把脏苹果带到房子里,因此小狗才会“藏苹果”。 4.第一段已经指出是暴风雪,而且是秋天,因此可排除A、B、C三项;对于这个季节来说,雪下得早,因此最佳选项是D。 5.小狗在房子外面,我在房子里面“观看”她。 6.因为苹果在雪里面埋着,所以需要“挖”出来。 7.根据小狗的一举一动,可知她在努力挖出更多的苹果。此处使用be determined to do sth“决心做某事”比较合适。 8.be covered with“被……覆盖”。 9.prepare for…“准备……” 10.这个“爱”是来自小狗的,因此用animal。

People all over the world celebrate Valentine’s Day.However, the holiday  26 differently in different countries  27  each culture has its own Valentine’s Day customs.

    For example,people in the United States and Japan both celebrate Valentine’s Day  28February 14.But in Japan,only romantic partners come together,while in America,it can be shared by anyone  29  is close,friend or lover.Chocolate is the most preferred gift in the US  30  it is common in Japan,too.However,in the US other kinds of gifts are  3 1  given,and many people exchange cards.

    The biggest  32  is that in Japan,only girls and women.33  chocolates to boys and men,but in the US boys and girls will give cards or small gifts to all of  34  friends.And while American men and women both receive gifts,women usually get  35  expensive gifts than men.That’s why I would like to be a man in Japan but a woman in the US!

1.A.celebrates    B.is celebrating    C.celebrated   D.is celebrated

2.A.although    B.where    C.because D.if

3.A.on    B.in    C.at D.by

4.A.whom    B.who    C.whose D.which

5.A.so    B.as        C.and D.or

6.A.too    B.either    C.neither D.also

7.A.difference    B.differences    C.different D.differently

8.A.give    B.to give    C.giving D.given

9.A.theirs    B.they    C.them D.their

10.A.many    B.more    C.few D.fewer



Whenever he was late,he could find plenty of excuses        sounded reasonable.

  A.who    B.where    C.when   D.which



Ms Wang is an excellent teacher.            in our class loves her.

  A.Someone    B.No one    C.Everyone D.Anyone



He has to earn lots of money       he can buy his children nice food and clothes.

  A.so that    B.such that    C.that  D.in order



…Do you like this movie?

  一Yes,it's the       one I’ve ever seen.

  A.better    B.best    C.good  D.well



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